Suggestion/help needed

samajm Posts: 2
edited October 3 in Health and Weight Loss
I started MFP exactly a month ago and need to loose 60 pounds. During the month I almost daily remained within my calorie intake limit which is 1200. I worked out a little bit also i.e. 25 minutes walking 4-5 days a week. Initially i lost 11 pounds in the first 2 weeks, but now since last 10-12 days there is no change. The only difference i see is that i could not work out during the last week.

If it remains the same i may start loosing my motivation, any suggestions please.


  • lucycaz
    lucycaz Posts: 191 Member
    I can't tell by your profile but if you are a woman you need to account for hormonal changes...

    I have slot more than you to lose and have noticed that over the past months for 2 weeks of the month the scales will show little change then for the other 2 there are big drops.

    Also keep a check on your sodium intake water retention can affect the scales in an amazing way.

  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    it is somewhat common to lose quite a bit in the first week or two, and then weight loss slows (or sometimes stalls). keep in mind that most sources suggest that losing 1-2 pounds per week is a healthy weight loss goal. you're ahead of the pace and that's what I think you should focus on.

    also, I recommend re-focusing your goals to help with motivation. I know from personal experience that when my goal was purely weight loss, it was easier to lose motivation when the scale wasn't responding. This led to the well known yo yo effect. Well, this year, I decided I was tired of being a yo yo. I took a good hard look at where things went wrong with "dieting" in the past, read some stuff about the mental approach, and realized that this journey can't be solely about weight loss. This journey has to be first and foremost about living a healthy lifestyle....about all of the benefits of living a long term, healthy lifestyle. I knew going in that weight loss would fluctuate, but that if I committed to a healthy lifestyle, that's something I could succeed at every day...and that eventually all of the weight I want to lose will come off.

    Weight loss is a short term goal. Living a healthy lifestyle is a long term goal. Accept that you're not always going to lose weight at the same pace. Be happy with yourself if you are making better food choices and being more active. You will see positive results in the end.

    Saying all of this, there may be issues with what you are eating (its not just about calories) or whether you are eating enough. if you make your food diary public, folks can look at it and give you suggestions regarding possible changes that might help.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Start lifting those weights if you aren't already.

    Walking is a great form of cardio, and it's what I do primarily too. By lifting weights though, you are going to be preserving the muscle and making your metabolism go up, since muscle burns more calories then fat at rest.

    Also like someone else can't out exercise a bad diet. If you are eating primarily junk still, you can do cardio till your blue in the face and it won't matter.
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