What should you eat when you're sick and trying to get bette

I've come down with a horrible flu-ey type thing. Eurgh.
What do you guys think I should I be eating right now to get better? :)


  • Lotte34
    Lotte34 Posts: 429 Member
    Lots of citrus fruits (good for your immune system) and if you get heart burn drink milk. try and keep active andbusy and you will be better before you know it
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    Lots of fluids, I personally want soup when I am sick.

    But eat what you can.
  • br0seidon
    I second the fluids. Oatmeal and hot tea are great for just such an occasion (:
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Chicken soup - it's actually scientifically proven to help people recover from colds!
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    Lots of citrus fruits (good for your immune system) and if you get heart burn drink milk. try and keep active andbusy and you will be better before you know it

    No offence (we are pals after all) but that is not great advice. Flu (Influenza) is a virus so the only thing that will kill it is your immune system which needs as much energy as you can give it. That's why colds and flu make you tired, because your body is using so much energy fighting the infection. The best thing you can do to help is rest. Stay in bed and sleep when you feel you need to. Eat as healthy and balanced a diet as you can face and things like soup are a nice easy (and quite comforting) way to do that. Make sure you are getting lots of vitamins; up your vitamin C intake as that helps your immune system too, but the main thing is REST.
    The more you try to do, the longer it will take to fight off the infection.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I made chicken congee with this recipe whilst ill recently. I added quite a lot of ginger. having had an aversion to rice pudding all my life I was worried, but it was lovely, very nutritous and I believe standard fare for the chinese when ill. You just have to be prepared to cook it forever.

  • Prestissima
    Prestissima Posts: 66 Member
    A lot of fluids, lemons and ginger. And brush your theeth every 2-3 hours :)
    Get well!