I figure I should say hi.

My name is melissa. I'm 27 and hail from orange county ca. I have been working in earnest on losing a load of weight that I gained since high school. Overall, I packed on around 70 pounds, and I was overweight to begin with. I was overweight but i was active. I had a couple years where i did nothing on any level and when i started taking stock and overhauling my life, i got serious about losing the weight. Losing a job actually took the first 30 or so pounds off all by itself. No longer was i sitting in a cubicle being fed constantly like veal. I was home, mostly forgetting to eat. Not the best but the weight did come off.

About a year and a half ago, i was in my first musical in like 5 years and I was doing a lot of dancing and performing on jumping stilts(!) all from a sedentary start. I lost about ten pounds, then gained it back with interest. Last january, I decided after seeing my photos from that show that enough was enough and i had to get the weight off. I started paying attention to what i ate. Just that act alone took off a couple pounds. I registered for warrior dash and started running several days a week to prepare. I did another musical, then another, then another, to keep dancing. I completed the warrior dash and didn't even come in dead last! I signed up for a tap dance class at school this semester and am in a play where i'm doing a ton of stage combat and sword fighting. last spring i started to count my calories and the weight came off little bit by little bit. I've lost close to 60 pounds in five years. The last half in the last 9 months.

I'm almost down to the weight I was when i graduated. I still have more to go. I wasn't thin when I graduated. But I'm certainly working toward a normal goal. This last year has seen me under 200 pounds for the first time in the last 6 years. I have more energy. I'm more aware of what i put in my body. I'm excited about the future. Next semester I'm going out for my schools crew rowing team. I'm really excited about the whole thing.

So yeah that got a little long but hello. Please add me. Harass me and keep me on track. I'd love to do the same for you. And if anyone lives in my area that likes to roller skate, hit me up because i'm a mad *kitten* for roller skating.


  • krbn2
    krbn2 Posts: 98 Member
    Welcome! It sounds like you've already been working at this for a while.