Newbie here, hello everyone!

Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself, I'm Chaz (short for Charlene) and I want to lose about 35 lbs to be fit and healthy for me and my family and also so I can wear all the gorgeous clothes I don't even dare try on at the moment! I downloaded the myfitnesspal app on my phone months ago but only this week really started using it.

I went to a Zumba fitness class last night for the first time and it was fab, I'm going to go once a week and back it up with the Zumba game for xbox at home. I'm going to reduce my calorie intake and try hard to resisit the take aways and cakes that I love.

I think this message board will be great motivation and inspiration for me, fingers crossed for sucess!

Chaz x


  • Hi Chaz
    Welcome and good luck.
    Great support on here.
    Feel free to make me a friend if you like.
  • TRIMoses59
    TRIMoses59 Posts: 86 Member
    Welcome to MFP. It is a great site an a huge help. I have only been a ieting member for 35 ays an have lost 10 lbs. Feel free to a me as a frien! Renee' (mastersgirl06)
  • aims94
    aims94 Posts: 20
    hi why dont you start simple, with my simple xmas challange! look great by xmas!
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    Go Chaz!
  • jobster68
    jobster68 Posts: 145
    Go for it girl. Feel free to add me as a friend it you like.
  • mummychaz
    mummychaz Posts: 35 Member
    aww thanks for the support and encouragement guys!