scale recommendations

I need a new scale, mine can't decide what weight I am. Both this and last week (and sporadically now and then) it will give me a different read out every time I step on it. And yes, if I am not happy with what I see (or excited and afraid to believe it) I get back on two, three or four times.

Today it showed half a pound gain, then half a pound loss, then stayed the same, then another gain. I really don't think that's normal.....I also put my scale on the exact same tile in the bathroom each time I use it for more accuracy, so I think it's just dying. I changed the battery six months ago when it started doing this, so it's not the battery. It's the $20 Thinner scale from Bed Bath and Beyond.....I've had it for 6 years or so, so I think it's time for a new one.

I'd be willing to spend a little more, but no more than $50. I want it to be digital, and other readouts like fat % or whatever would be a cool perk but not necessary. So, what scale do you have that you love, how much was it and where did you get it? Thanks!


  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I have a Taylor Lithium and I love it! Very accurate, very simple, pretty darn cheap.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I got a simple digital scale from Walmart for $17 (Health o meter) and it's very accurate :-(
  • sjackson902
    sjackson902 Posts: 154 Member
    I got a Taylor Lithium from Kohl's. I really like it and it seems to be pretty accurate. Taylor also makes a Biggest Loser version that shows body fat.
  • soulofmyshoe
    soulofmyshoe Posts: 10 Member
    When my scale crapped out a couple of months ago, I bought this one:

    I have been very satisfied with it. Unlike most scales, you don't have to tap it to let it tare every time, so you can just step on and it will give you a weight very quickly. It also seems to always give the same reading, so I no longer have to do it two or three times until I get a consistent weight. There aren't any bells and whistles like body fat percentages or memory, but I found the former nearly useless and the latter, while nice, is not necessary for me.
  • charmainecurrie
    I have a WW from walmart...around $20
  • kfitz10103
    Taylor 7506. I love mine. I can get on and off multiple times within minutes of each other and it reads the same number. I find it to be very accurate. Walmart $39.99 plus $.97 shipping!
  • mcadams1
    I got mine from Wal-Mart, it is a Health-O-Meter, it keeps up with the height, weight, age, BMI and body fat percentage of up to 4 people. It also has a date on it. It tells you how much you have gained/loss since starting input. I have had it for about a year and it was only around $40 when I bought it. I love it though, well worth the money.