pregnancy food list helpp :]]

just found out im 5 1/2 weeks pregnant [morning sickness started today] and id like to know what you guys ate to stay healthy. you know when morning sickness lasts? it sucks already xD thanks <3


  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    It's usually gone by week 12 - 16. Sometimes earlier, sometimes later. Fruity Pebbles helped me through it. LOL

    To stay healthy - eat the same things and make the same choices you would if you weren't pregnant. Whole grains, fruits, veggies, lean proteins, etc.
  • millionsofpeaches
    My doc has me on extra B6 to help w/ the nausea... If you are getting sick, there really isn't much you can do. I am on day 1 of B6... So we shall see. But staying away from sugar also helps w/ the nausea. Its hard... I am counting down the days for it to stop.
  • WhiteTonight
    WhiteTonight Posts: 22 Member
    First and foremost, congratulations! Bringing a child into the world is one of the most moving, inspiring and rewarding life experiences ever. It's the most important job you will ever have and I wish you my best. :)

    I have two sons, and with each of those pregnancies, I was "underweight" when I first found out. When you're starting out, especially when you have been subscribing to a low-cal/low intake diet long term prior to conceiving, it is important to get a good baseline for nutrition very early on. I am just shy of thirty and already have osteopenia due to low intake. Pregnancy wicks away even more nutrients, as they're redirected to your baby's formation.

    Dairy products, obviously high in calcium can help prevent bone density issues like the ones I have. Green vegetables are good for boosting energy. Many of the things we try to avoid while dieting (I'm talking about you, carbs) are great during pregnancy for energy and metabolic maintenance. A lot of it is common sense - the neat thing about pregnancy and the cravings you will inevitably have is that, if you're craving something when you're pregnant, it's likely something that your body NEEDS. So have it! :) Vitamins and other supplements are also important and should be purposefully discussed with your doctor or midwife. I took prenatal vitamins, calcium, vitamin D and ferrous sulfate to pre-empt further bone loss and anemia.

    Morning sickness is different with every person and even one pregnancy to the next in the same individual. With Dugan (my elder - age 7) I had NO morning sickness at all. With Oskar (age 2), I was sure he must've been a girl because I felt so different that the first time. The nausea lasted until early second trimester for me, but like I said, everyone is different.

    My very best to you and the tiny blessing inside you. I am happy for you to be able to experience this. xoxo
  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    Ask your doctor for Zofran. It is a really powerful anti-nausea drug and it works really well.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Your OBGYN will give you a massive list of does and don't. Also the morning sickness can last the entire pregnancy, its some sort of condition.

    no non-heated(steamed) lunch meat.
    No-non pasturized cheese

    You will need to know what you can take for your tummy too, like no pepto.

    Really, when you go, take someone with you. That way they can become the pregnancy police.:smokin:
  • ThinspiredButterfly
    ThinspiredButterfly Posts: 176 Member
    thanks everyone :]] this is my 1st and i cant wait to see what it iss. i did visit my doctor and they never gave me a list yet :[ im still waiting for that
  • gdengler
    gdengler Posts: 18 Member
    Hello! Congratulations!! This is a really exciting time! Here is a really good article about what to (not to) eat when pregnant from WebMD:

    I'm 34 weeks along with my first and have had morning (all day) sickness the whole time. It was really bad in the beginning so I just ate what sounded good at the time (and what I could keep down) then the Dr. put me on a prescription called Zofran that did work amazingly BUT about a month ago I started getting really bad heart palpitations which were scary. They are starting to find out that Zofran can cause dangerous heart arrhythmias in some people and are currently reviewing its safety and may pull it from the market next year. Another very unpleasant side effect is really bad constipation (but I just dealt with that ..) Needless to say, I had to get off the medicine and figure out the best way to deal with the nausea. Almost instantly the heart palpitations went away. I've found that the most important thing is to not go more than 3 hours without eating - an empty stomach will make you extra sick. I eat about 6 times a day and once in the middle of the night. It might sound like a lot of food, but if you are eating (mostly) healthy you don't need to worry about weight gain. I've only gained about 23 lbs so far which is perfectly in the normal range.

    Another thing that has helped me with the nausea and a whole list of other pregnancy complaints (muscle cramps, trouble sleeping, anxiety, not being able to "go to the bathroom, tiredness, heartburn, headaches) is Magnesium. THIS HAS BEEN A MIRACLE!! My Dr said it is perfectly fine to use as well and there really are no side effects. The brand that I take is called Natural Calm and you can buy it on Amazon for about $20 for a 16 week supply: Also, here is a good article about the benefits of Magnesium during pregnancy: Ask your Dr about it and maybe you'll have as good results with it as I did.

    Regarding weight gain during pregnancy, here is another article on WebMD that pretty much sums it all up:

    I would also suggest finding a good chiropractor and going regularly if you can throughout your pregnancy. Keeping your body in line will make everything a whole lot easier and it's been proven that chiropractic adjustments reduce the average amount of time spent in labor - nearly a 25% reduction in average labor times for first time moms and a 33% reduction in average labor time for multiple pregnancies! The average labor time for first time moms is about 16 hours from start to finish but it could be 12 or less with chiropractic care. I know this is an average and everyone is different but anything to lessen that time is worth it! I can't wait to see how things go with my little girl in a few weeks!

    Your Dr will talk about all these things with you when you go in for your first appointment. The most important thing I can stress is eat as healthy as you can and stay as natural as you can. Don't drink or smoke at all. Don't take any prescriptions unless you absolutely HAVE to. Get as much sleep as you can. Try to get in a little light exercise (walking, swimming, etc) everyday. Accept help when people offer it to you. Listen to your body - it knows what it's doing :-)

    Good luck and enjoy this very special time in your life!! :)
  • ThinspiredButterfly
    ThinspiredButterfly Posts: 176 Member
    thank you SOOOOOOO much for the articles, they've helped me alot!! i appreciate it :]