Hello, I am trying to get healthier by age 51.

I have been about 100 pounds overweight (7.14 stone?) for the majority of 20 years. I am about to turn 49. If I eat better and exercise consistently, I can lose one pound per week for 2 years. That would bring me to my goal weight (140 lbs), which is a healthy weight for me. I have actually weighed less than that in my late 20's, so I am not shooting for a magical weight, such as what I weighed when i was 12:smile: I was having a hard time with the food diary, b/c I find it hard to log in everything. But if I log in meals in advance, then I will eat to fit them, rather than the other way around. I am doing physical therapy, so that is a real challenge to put in the exercise diary. I have found some ideas on the discussions and the exercises they have to choose from in the search area of the diary. Never saw them in the past.


    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    Like you I enter my food before I eat it so I can keep track. It takes a lot of planning but so far so good for me. Good Luck to you. I think you have set a reasonable reachable goal for yourself.
  • spasticlulu
    im with you, I always plan my meal, it lets me see what I am eating and it helps me to stay on track and not eat differ things!
  • alexa_image
    alexa_image Posts: 387 Member
    It's never to late to make changes You're health and well being should always be a top priority . Life is way too good and you deserve the best life has to offer.
    Feel free to add me!
  • Partyofpugs
    I'm 54 and my health is going downhill so this time I have to make a permanent change. Tracking is crucial to making changes in your eating habits. Track everything, good and bad. Whether you pre-plan you meals or track as you go, it still achieves the same thing. So write down everything. I've recovered from a major knee injury so I am just starting to exercise. It is really tough. Unfortunately the only way to achieve weight loss is to eat less and move more. Maybe you could ask your PT's for suggestions of exercise you can do on your own. Good luck with everything. The best time to start is now, and you are already at that point!