Wii workout recommendations?



  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I was just like you I did not like to do"boring exercises", but last May my hubby brought home a Wii Fit and I have been having fun ever since. My husband and I have both lost over 50 pounds EACH using Wii Fit Plus. There are enough exercises that you have choice what you can do each day. The key is to set yourself a goal and do it EVERY day. I know WII works. I have watched the fat melt off my hubby and I can see more of my chin line than ever, I think it is fun and I am writing down the names of the games that the others have suggested, so that I can try them too. I'm sure you can find some that are fun,( my personal fav. is the marching band on Wii Fit Plus) and then play those calories away!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I was just like you I did not like to do"boring exercises", but last May my hubby brought home a Wii Fit and I have been having fun ever since. My husband and I have both lost over 50 pounds EACH using Wii Fit Plus. There are enough exercises that you have choice what you can do each day. The key is to set yourself a goal and do it EVERY day. I know WII works. I have watched the fat melt off my hubby and I can see more of my chin line than ever, I think it is fun and I am writing down the names of the games that the others have suggested, so that I can try them too. I'm sure you can find some that are fun,( my personal fav. is the marching band on Wii Fit Plus) and then play those calories away!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I was just like you I did not like to do"boring exercises", but last May my hubby brought home a Wii Fit and I have been having fun ever since. My husband and I have both lost over 50 pounds EACH using Wii Fit Plus. There are enough exercises that you have choice what you can do each day. The key is to set yourself a goal and do it EVERY day. I know WII works. I have watched the fat melt off my hubby and I can see more of my chin line than ever, I think it is fun and I am writing down the names of the games that the others have suggested, so that I can try them too. I'm sure you can find some that are fun,( my personal fav. is the marching band on Wii Fit Plus) and then play those calories away!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I was just like you I did not like to do"boring exercises", but last May my hubby brought home a Wii Fit and I have been having fun ever since. My husband and I have both lost over 50 pounds EACH using Wii Fit Plus. There are enough exercises that you have choice what you can do each day. The key is to set yourself a goal and do it EVERY day. I know WII works. I have watched the fat melt off my hubby and I can see more of my chin line than ever, I think it is fun and I am writing down the names of the games that the others have suggested, so that I can try them too. I'm sure you can find some that are fun,( my personal fav. is the marching band on Wii Fit Plus) and then play those calories away!
  • Logansmom2011
    Logansmom2011 Posts: 81 Member
    The Golds Gym dance workout is awesome,fun,and you set your own workout.I also love The Just Dance games too,lost 5 lbs the first 2 weeks doing that an hour every day and eat healthy.
  • mlindahl
    mlindahl Posts: 43 Member
    I didn't start losing weight until I started using the Gold's Gym Dance workout that also has the minigames and cardio boxing. I never actually realized how much I enjoyed boxing before. I just bought the Gold Gym's Cardio Boxing and have found my arms really hurting after I use it. I do my best to actually box and do the steps etc. Both of these can utilize 2 remotes instead of a nunchuk-makes it a lot easier to do. Also uses the balance board.

    I love Just Dance 2 too because of the sweat points and it is so fun you hardly realize you are working out. It is really good to compete with my daughter for the higher scores because that gets me motivated. I really work up a sweat doing these.

    I think I would like Dance Dance Revolution if my feet and mind would cooperate. I bought the Michael Jackson, Country Dance and the Dancing with the Stars-these are more for fun than actual exercise as the moves are a little aggravating at times.

    I have not tried the Zumba yet.

    I have the Wii Fit plus too and use that primarily for the Yoga and strenghening parts.

    I bought the Jenny McCarthy one too with the camera but it didn't seem to capture my moves very well so I don't use it.

    Any other good ones out there like Gold's Gym, please let me know.

    I really wish they would come out with a personal self-defense one-Teach us women self-defense and exercise at the same time.
  • Hj723
    Hj723 Posts: 141 Member
    I do WII Fit 4 days a week about 30 mins. I mainly just do the aerobics for the cardio. My favorite right now is the Rhythm Boxing and I manage to work up a sweat. I find it fun and easy to stick to. I recommend doing extra exercises aside from the WII. I taking a Pilates class at school (That I love). I also hate the gym so I use my exercise ball and some 5 lb dumbbells and some exercises I printed off Women's Health Mag. (I usually only do these on fridays). It's a slow start I know but I'm just getting back into the game.

    As for research I found and a few websites (women's health mag, self, fittness) that along with normal exercise they

    Just Dance 2
    UFC Personal trainer: the ultimate fitness system
    My fitness coach 2: exercise and nutrition.

    I've also heard on that Zumba is pretty awesome (which is one I want to invest in).

    If you search in the Community on here "Wii" you'll come up with a lot of topics. I'm pretty sure at some point I might have even posted this question. Good luck with your goals!!!! As long as you want it you can have it! Remember.... You're worth it!
  • Hj723
    Hj723 Posts: 141 Member
    I do WII Fit 4 days a week about 30 mins. I mainly just do the aerobics for the cardio. My favorite right now is the Rhythm Boxing and I manage to work up a sweat. I find it fun and easy to stick to. I recommend doing extra exercises aside from the WII. I taking a Pilates class at school (That I love). I also hate the gym so I use my exercise ball and some 5 lb dumbbells and some exercises I printed off Women's Health Mag. (I usually only do these on fridays). It's a slow start I know but I'm just getting back into the game.

    As for research I found and a few websites (women's health mag, self, fittness) that along with normal exercise they

    Just Dance 2
    UFC Personal trainer: the ultimate fitness system
    My fitness coach 2: exercise and nutrition.

    I've also heard on that Zumba is pretty awesome (which is one I want to invest in).

    If you search in the Community on here "Wii" you'll come up with a lot of topics. I'm pretty sure at some point I might have even posted this question. Good luck with your goals!!!! As long as you want it you can have it! Remember.... You're worth it!
  • mlindahl
    mlindahl Posts: 43 Member
    Agree 100%!
    Gold's gym is the best one for working out and actually burning calories. It tells you how many calories and then relates it to a food item. Tracks your progress and has a personal trainer mode that I use all the time!

    Great job! :smile:
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    ea active is a killer. If you like doing workout workouts (squat jumps, squats, curls, rows, etc.) then it is def for you. It has a 30 day workout that leaves you sore in places oyu never knew you had. It also has an option to make your own workout it has boxing, basketball, tennis, kickboxing, volleyball, dance, etc)

    I haven't tried the zumba for the wii but several people have suggested it for me. You can do the wii fit but to me it takes longer to burn calories compared to ea active but it is good for toning, yoga, balance, and for a day that you dont feel like doing anyhting because most of the exercises are in the form of games.

    jillian has workouts and there is a ufc workout... im am too scared to attempt the ufc workout. When i can make it through the ea 30 days straight maybe then i will buy it.
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    just dance 1 & 2 are good and jenny mccarthy workout is good too because it has a camera so you can't cheat.
    LTRUITT3 Posts: 205 Member
    I would say ZUMBA and EA Active 2....both are lots of fun.
  • mlbazemore
    mlbazemore Posts: 252 Member
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I read a lot of suggestions that I was thinking about getting but was on the fence because of reviews and ratings...and I'm just a little skeptical anyway...but I know MFPs won't lead me astray so Thanks...I'mma get on it and I don't only plan on doing the games unless they work spectacularly but I don't want to grow weary of 'regular' exercising.

    Have a wonderful day and thanks again!
  • Kelene616
    Kelene616 Posts: 166 Member
    The boxing game on the disk that came with my wii is awesome. I burned 190 calories in 30 minutes.. zumba is great too and biggest loser