Confusion - eating in calories and how much MFP says you'll



  • freckly_vermonter_girl
    Reading this post was so fascinating to me. Yesterday I burned a TON of calories doing housecleaning for 4 hours solid at a vigorous pace, and when I got done I was reaaaally hungry and wiped out - even tho I had eated close to if not all of 1200 calories for the day. At 10 p.m. I went and ate a double cheeseburger, small fry, and small berry smoothie at McDonalds. Not the healthiest choice, but I was so hungry & it was the only place still open in podunk VT at 10:30 at night. I felt bad eating ****Donalds, but I was still 500-something calories under my daily caloric intake for the day!

    Probably not a great idea to eat CrapDonalds after a huge workout every day, but my focus was on putting some calories into my tired hungry body... That's all.