Retail Hell (a rant) for my retail brethren.

catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
Some of you know I work specialty retail and have seen my rants on my wall, but I wanted to post on here to see if anyone else cared to share some of your own experiences in the retail trenches.
Some of my worst experiences have been:

1. The azzhole that condescends to me because he thinks a "little woman" (their words) doesn't know equipment. Typically they'll make a snarky remark and look at his buddies for reinforcement.
2. A "gentleman" that came in and told me that he needed a Class A pant and if I could help him (with sarcastic ****head smile). He asked me to measure him and I offered him two different sizes of pants, he then said I was refusing service and he wasn't happy with my customer service skills. I offered to have the tailor measure him and he refused, even though technically it is not my specialty. He then told me he had known he needed them for some weeks but he held out till the last minute. I didn't have the item he needed and so he stormed out threatening to "shut us down".
3. When women come in to get fitted and I ask their size and they get defensive. I need to know their size....I'm not trying to be a b itch. "Oh but of course, you must me a size 2?!" Like whatever b itch, yes I am, but that has nothing to do with you and your needs.
4. People that stare at me when they're 3-4 in line. Staring at me won't make it go quicker. That is why there are lines. You have to wait your turn.
5. The people that don't know their size. How can someone not have any effing clue???
6. People that come in five minutes before closing and expect the red carpet rolled out.
7. People that interrupt my lunch and laugh and say I don't need to eat anyway.
:noway: :noway:


  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    I used to work retail and sooo understand all of these. The worst though is the fitting rooms. You find the nastiest stuff in those rooms! I've found dirty undies after they stole the new ones, used condoms, socks, oh and by the way...the fitting room is NOT your personal bathroom. And you know that TOM guy that everyone on here complains about? Well he strikes in the fitting rooms too!
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    I'm so glad I don't work retail and I give you and others props for working it, people can be real *kitten* when dealing with people in retail. All it takes is one of these people to ruin your day and looking at the problem customers, it is because of their actions or lack of that cause the problems. My friend once said, my job would be the best in the world if it weren't for these customers. Luckily when I deal with my "customers" I have recourse and don't have to take their crap. Hang in there and thanks to all the retail workers.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I'm so glad I don't work retail and I give you and others props for working it, people can be real *kitten* when dealing with people in retail. All it takes is one of these people to ruin your day and looking at the problem customers, it is because of their actions or lack of that cause the problems. My friend once said, my job would be the best in the world if it weren't for these customers. Luckily when I deal with my "customers" I have recourse and don't have to take their crap. Hang in there and thanks to all the retail workers.

    LOL, I didn't want to bug you with my rants today! Its not you guys either that act like s hitbirds, its the security personnel and walk ins.

    At my main store, they've found poop in the dressing room.