Faith, Family, Fitness

I've been using MFP for several months. I actually hit a road block with WW, discovered MFP through reading an article in a Fitness Magazine and haven't stopped using it since! Needless to say, I got over my weight-loss slump. YAY! As the subject of this implies, I'm looking for people to share the journey with who share these priorities in their life. We all know that change doesn't happen overnight and that there is a delicate balance between these 3 areas. If this speaks to you, than I'd love to get to know you.

Starting at around 200 pounds, my current weight is in the low 150's. I'm also training for a Half Marathon that will be taking place in 9 days! For me, healthy eating and exercise HAS to be practical. As a wife and mom of 3, I have more to consider than just myself!

I recently started blogging. I love to write and decided to use a blog as a creative outlet. You're welcome to follow me there too.

Do you blog? I love to read! Share your info....let's get rolling!