Broke and healthy eating

So my job has severely cut my hours and my husbands job no longer allows him to put in overtime. We are really struggling right now and are going to start buying foods that are cheap and last longer like (bread, bologna, ramen noodles, hotdogs, lettuce, mac n cheese) I have bought some canned veggies (green beans, corn).

What are some non expensive things that I can buy that are relatively healthy? Do you know of any recipes that are healthy and cheap? I am talking about $10 - $20 a week if that... It is just my husband and i...

Thks for your comments and God bless :)


  • rachyz88
    rachyz88 Posts: 32 Member
    Baked potatoes with watever filling u like is always a cheap option! I eat them alot :)

    Potatoes are good cus u can make so much with them.... I use them alot!
  • FionaHelen
    FionaHelen Posts: 113 Member
    stir frys and vegatable curry's are not only tasty but cheap and very low in calories!
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    Coupons are a good way to save that extra bit. Especially if you have a supermarket that doubles them!
    Oatmeal isn't expensive, and that's a great way to go. If you have an Asian grocery store near you, they always have produce at really decent prices!
  • digitalsteel
    digitalsteel Posts: 374 Member
    bacon, ground beef and chicken are the staples in my diet, they tend to be relatively inexpensive at around $3-$4 a pound
  • momma_roo
    momma_roo Posts: 146 Member
    Eggs, high in protein and like potatoes, there is a lot you can do with it. Sorry to hear about your struggles :(
  • K8ty_7
    K8ty_7 Posts: 28 Member
    Ive found making soups help, u can make a massive soup and freeze it into portions, that with a slice of toast or 2 is nice and ur geting ur nutrition out of it aswel. wen we went thru a rough time we lived on soups and it wasnt half bad. good luck!!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Great Value (Walmart brand) has tons of options! Frozen veggies and fruit....whole wheat noodles for pastas and spaghetti.....I clip coupons income with a family of four. Bananas and apples are cheap, Aldi's is a great place if you have one near you...they have ground turkey really cheap and a Fit and Active brand....for like string cheese, almond milk, yogurt for less fat and calories. Hope this helps!
  • ellekay22
    ellekay22 Posts: 147 Member
    Lentil soup:

    lentils - 1.99 1KG bag
    water - from the tap
    salt and pepper to taste

    1:3 lentils to water in pot or slow cooker. High in fibre and protein.
  • jenfactor
    jenfactor Posts: 124
    dried beans and dried rice, super cheap and nutritious.
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    I totally agree with the eggs and potatoes. I am a big fan of making soup with any kind of vegetables and left over meat.
    Local farmers markets have way better prices than grocery stores.
    Good Luck,
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    Beans! Black beans (dried) are extremely inexpensive. As are pinto and white northern - but i like black bean.

    An egg *12 for about 2 bucks in the states and Quaker old fashion oats (it really cooks fast) - you can make breakfast for two for under a DOLLAR a day!

    Frozen Broccoli - I know a lot of people don't love the frozen veg - but you can get a big bag and a serving is about 40cents.

    Cabbage Fresh! Another veg and can be used as a stirfry or a filler in cheap soups!
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Bulk Beans, Whole Fryer Chickens for roasting/grilling, eggs, long grain brown rice, lettuce, canned low sodium vegatables when on sale.

    Almost none of the things you listed .. Ramen, Bologna, etc are things I would eat, or consider purchasing.

    Do more research before stocking up on that stuff.

    Coupons, Walmart, Shop Around, shop smart, etc.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    There are some good sites like "broke and healthy"
    that have good recipes.
    You might want to think about freezer veggies, the sodium is lower and the nutrients are sometimes better, if you have the freezer space.
    The problem, it seems, is a lot of the cheap pantry items lack protein but if you can freeze meat you find on sale, you can cheaper cuts and put them in the crockpot, which makes them more tender.
  • squishysangel
    squishysangel Posts: 149 Member
    Options can dress it up with whatever and its good for you to boot. Pinto/whitebeans (dryed) a small piece of ham and voila a long lasting meal thats healthy and freezes well. If you can get a sale on hamburger cook it up and freeze it in serving sizes, works for spagetti sauce that can then be streched into chili, or you can make tacos. Chicken, celery, onions and carrots..voila a hearty soup that freezes well for multiple meals...same with really cheep cuts of beef or pork or lamb if thats what you like. Usually if you can get the least processed foods and combine them into something its way less expensive.
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    I understand the struggle. I also suggest potatoes, they can be cooks in many many ways, baked and topped with salas or bacon bits or sour cream or chili or all of the above. Burger can be in pasta, or sloppy joes or even mixed in with fired potatoes. For my kids I have put burger into cooked kd. burger/pasta/canned tomatoes for a goulash. grilled cheese with ham inside. stir frys with rice. I have a cook book called 'dining on a dime' maybe google a topic like that and see what you can come up with ?
    good luck!
  • CodyRSweet
    CodyRSweet Posts: 9 Member
    Chicken, fish or ground turkey. Frozen veggies (I can get them for only $1 a bag!). Apples, carrots, celery, bananas. All those are inexpensive. They dont keep for long, so you may have to make more trips but so worth it! Oatmeal is also pretty inexpensive. I am a single mom and on a really tight budget and I dont find it hard at all to eat healthy. A bag of carrots is a lot cheaper and lasts longer than a bag of chips :)
  • jessica_sagui
    jessica_sagui Posts: 1 Member
    Oatmeal and brown rice. Invest in a $13 rice maker at Walmart and buy brown rice in bulk - so cheap. Stock up and buy frozen veggies, chicken breast, and lean ground turkey when they're on sale.
  • beatleschic87
    beatleschic87 Posts: 260 Member
    VEGGIES!!! They are super cheap if you get them fresh and all you have to do is bake them, wok them, or boil them with some olive oil... OR if you have the calories to spare make a rue with some butter and flour... amazing.
  • sheisbrown
    sheisbrown Posts: 171 Member
    Chili made with ground turkey instead of beef. They often have ground turkey on sale here and chili beans can be gotten for cheap. You can make a big pot of it and freeze the rest for later. So delish.
  • nomorearmflab
    dried products such as rice and beans are fairly inexpensive. and it never hurts to sniff around the vegetable aisle, especially now since a lot of the summer fruit and vegis are low in price. grabbing them fast and freezing them yourself, or making a soup/ stock out of them is a really good idea.buying in bulk could help too, if you can stock up on things like peanut butter.

    Though a key thing might just be moderation of some of these items that stay preserved,
    and thinking about what to cook for the week is a great way to stay on budget. making a list of what you have for breakfast for a week, and dinner. make extra dinner so you can have leftovers!
    pasta is a great thing as well.
    and if you need too, it is cheaper to make bread than buy it. if you have some flour hanging around I know a great recipe you can use. ( don't get it if you don't have it though. it may save you money, but flour is a little price when buying at first.)