Skinny for Santa Challenge.



  • Marianna194
    Marianna194 Posts: 145 Member
    I'd like to join- dunno if I can do the excerxise but I'll try!!

    Starting weight- 185 lbs
    Goal- At least 8 pounds= 177 lbs
  • mrsbjf
    mrsbjf Posts: 4
    Hi I'm Bonnie

    Starting weight: 160lbs
    Goal weight by Christmas: 140lbs
    Loss of: 20lbs
    RAQUELINATOVAR Posts: 221 Member
    how exciting !!! a weight loss challenge i really am commited to.
  • I want in! If the group isn't too large by now...!

    I'm Caroline, weighing in at 153 pounds (I prefer pounds).
    By the 25th of December, I'm hoping to be 140 pounds.

    Thanks so much! I love the encouragement and motivation of small groups, and I'll definitely try my best to encourage/motivate ya'll!!
  • I definitely would love to, again, if the group isn't too big!! I've hit a plateau and really need all the support I can get!
    My name is Kristin and I'd like to drop these pesky last 10 lbs by Christmas!!

    SW: 146.2
    CW: 140.8
    GW: 130.0 by Christmas! (-10.8)
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Oh me me! :) I want a six pack for Christmas and only I can give myself that.

    SW: 144 LBS
    CW: 142 (-2)
    GW: 135 (-7-9 total)

    I don't have a lot to lose but I have to do it slow so I don't lose my hard earned muscle from last years training. :)
  • Brilliant! That should do us, if a few extra people are really in need of support surely they can join, but I'd like to keep it small!

    Welcome everyone, I'll get this challenge up and running!
  • Hey guys! My name is Kayla. I'd really like to be a part of this if I still can...

    My CW is 202lbs and I'd really like to be 170lbs by Christmas.
  • kschoono
    kschoono Posts: 344 Member
    Hello I would like to join this awesome challenge. :)

    My CW is 150 & I would love to hit 140 by Christmas. I am making a goal to lose 10 lbs, but if I lose more than that will be a wonderful gift for me at Christmas time.

    I hope it is not too late to join. :)

  • TamLind83
    TamLind83 Posts: 66 Member
    I would love to join. I've been looking for a good challenge for a bit and this seems like it's the answer.

    Current weight: 190 lbs
    Goal weight by Christmas: 170 lbs
    Pound loss goal: 20 lbs

  • leelafit_mtl
    leelafit_mtl Posts: 132 Member
    I am in Ill weigh in tomorrow.

    Hey guys!

    I was already thinking about doing this on my own, and discovering your group is just even better for me, as a 'lil bit more motivation is never a bad idea!!

    My goal:

    CW: 138 lbs
    Goal Weight by Christmas: 125 lbs
    GW: 122 lbs
    Loss by Christmas: 13 lbs

    Oh, and I quoted you Laura Lee, because i'm also named Laura Lee, and you're the first person I "meet" with the same name as me!!

  • gemswillsucceed
    gemswillsucceed Posts: 13 Member
    Is it too late for me to join?
    Starting weight 2 weeks ago when i joined MFP was 177lbs and just about to go get my next weigh in :-)
    Would like to be 160lbs by Christmas - loss of 17lbs :-)
  • Haha well, technically the cut off was a few people a go... But I guess a few more wont hurt!

    But this is really truly it!
  • I am in. I am 89 kilos. I want to lose 9 kilos by Christmas
  • Hey LiveBelieving, unfortunately this group has already reached maximum capacity. I wanted to keep it sort of small and supportive instead of everyone just becoming another name.

    I genuinely don't meant to be rude and feel terrible saying no, but you're more than welcome to join in with my next challenge.

    I am deeply sorry and hope that one of the many other Christmas groups will see you successful.
  • Marianna194
    Marianna194 Posts: 145 Member
    Does anyone know what's going on with this group? Where's Sarah?
  • The_Wallflower
    The_Wallflower Posts: 111 Member
    I want in!!
    Starting Dec weight- 199 POUNDS
    Wanted end weight by Xmas- 190 POUNDS
  • The_Wallflower
    The_Wallflower Posts: 111 Member
    Sorry. Posted before I realized it was closed. I'm always a day late!
  • I would love to join!

    Current weight - 140
    Goal weight by Christmas - 135
    Loss of 5 lbs