
I'm new to the site but have been using the app for several weeks. I have about 75 lbs to loose and some days its hard to stay on track.


  • keddabee
    Hey! Welcome to MFP :)

    Ive only been on here a few weeks and love it! Im secretly now addicted to this site and can't wait until I can check updates and read the message boards about how well everyone is doing :)

    Feel free to add me! We can be motivation buddies if you would like!
  • cateyesjennifer
    yes I am new to this site to. I have seen a few of my friends using so I thought I would give it a try. I have been on my diet for 13 days now and I seem to be losing a pound a day. so far so good, but its been a struggle some days
  • JonesAnator
    How in the world r u losing a pound a day? Im only losing a pound a week and this is so not enough!! LOL