Lose 3lbs in 3 Weeks

vs_shine Posts: 1,314 Member
edited October 3 in Motivation and Support
I thought i'd share with y'all my plans for the rest of October :-)

I'm 5'3"...I weigh 143lbs...my goal is to be 140lbs for Halloween...I have 3 weeks to lose 3lbs....In order to meet this goal....I need to have 500 calories remaining every day...On average i've been losing half a pound a week...so this will be a challenge for me...so i need to burn 500 calories a day or split the 500 calories between exercise and food - for example, eat 250 calories less of food and burn 250 calories doing exercise...perhaps some of you will try this too... every day i either run, walk, play LaCrosse, bike, do the elliptical...plus i have a calorie cap of 1400. so there ya go. any advice? And good luck to you all with your goals.


  • Well, If I were you I would change portions on your plate. Less milk, milk products and bread, more eggs, vegis and protien. Steaming is a great way to get good tasting vegis, and cooking at home majorly. Maybe walking a mile every other day, or biking or walking to work will help.

    ( standing when on the phone talking, standing while reading and doing other silly trick like that may help as well)

    most of all, water! drink just water for the next few weeks. maybe tea as well. and less sodium?

    everything else I am unsure of, all I know is good luck!
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    With a calorie cap of 1400, id definitely split it between workout and food consumption. Consistently dropping under 1200 calories could damage your body and weight loss efforts more than help. A 250 calorie burn might take some effort every day, but I'm sure you can achieve it by focusing heavily on jogging at a 4.0 rate or higher, ellipticals at a resistance of 3 or higher and sustaining 18mph or higher during your workouts and mixing it up with other cardio exercises such as jumping rope and aerobics. This will keep you from becoming bored and overtaxing the same muscle groups. Good luck!
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