I'm losing it.....control not lbs.! Help!

I've been under A LOT of emotional stress lately and so, I've been eating more. Although I don't always reach my calorie limit, I get within 400-300 range and it's freaking me out. I still manage to run at least 3-4 times a week but I feel like I'm losing control...and I don't want to!
Any sage advice? Words of encouragement? ANYTHING will help!!!!!!


  • cheddle
    cheddle Posts: 102 Member
    There are ALWAYS options, you are in control of your life and body, remember this and you cant possible feel trapped!!!

    just remember that the calorie goal on here is adjusted based on your goals... so if you told the site you wanted to lose weight then it will be less than your "maintenance" calorie intake..

    so if you have set it to "weight loss" and you eat over then chances are you will maintain weight...

    if it helps try and work on a "weekly" calorie intake that way if u have a bad day u can just work out the adjustment to the rest of the others to make it work

    or alternativly plan each meal. depends on how ur brain is wired as to what you prefer!
  • nomorearmflab
    Let me give you the worst and most annoying advice ever:

    Find a way that you can relax. any freaking way, even if its for ten minutes a day. stress will help keep fat on your body and isn't good for your over all being.

    also, meeting your calorie intake everyday on this site is a good thing. If you are set to lose weight, the calculator already makes sure you are eating the amount that will put you in a calorie deficit.

    take a moment and really think about why you are freaking out so hard; are you freaking out because you feel out of control? or are you freaking out because everything else is going south for you? is your worry about other things reflecting in your worry about your body and your calorie intake? is all of this worry going to hurt or help you?
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    You are NOT alone! I am a food addict and all time binge eater! I have spent the best part of the last two weeks feeling completely out of control....I am an all or nothing type person, so I can be disciplined for weeks on end and then something will trigger it off and the flood gates open up....the more I eat the worse I feel, the worse I feel the more I eat!! I get so down about it and NOTHING can snap me out of it when I'm like that! BUT I have to dig really deep and try and pull myself back.....I manage to do it but it's really tough...every day is a war....

    Stop and remind yourself why you are on this journey, try and think of the positive things that you have achieved no matter how small.....remember we are all human and relapse to old habits is completely normal and part of this process....put the past behind you and move forward....YOU CAN DO THIS!!!....xx
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'm not sure if you are panicking because you are eating too much or too little... but either way, stop panicking about it, that isn't helping!
    MFP calculates the calories you can eat each day - and it's a good habit to eat around that amount. From your ticker it looks like you are pretty much at goal so eating a little over or under here and there shouldn't hurt.

    My best advice is just to take a day at at time, a meal at a time or even a mouthful at a time. The only moment you can actually control is the one you are in right now. Everything else is either past or future - and the past can't be changed. You do however have control of what happens in the future - but you only do that by making good choices here and now, right this minute.

    I know it's easy to eat too much or too little when you are stressed, but it would be worth trying to find some other ways of dealing with stress than eating/not eating. I've only started running this year and it was the single most helpful thing that got me though a really tough few months earlier this year.

    And remember that if you make a bad food choice today that isn't the end of the world or the end of the road. Try to keep a little bit of focus on your health and try and make at least some of your choices healthy ones for you.

    Good luck!