reflection shocker!!!

today i looked at myself in the mirror and was disgusted!
i used to be skinny and now i feel like just a blob of fat i guess?

im new to this and not sure how to start my journey...


  • EmmaRankmore
    Welcome to MyFitnessPal!! :) You are fabulous for making the first step! :)

    Have you had a look at how to log your foods and exercise? :)
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Welcome! Having a wake up moment is great motivation. I would encourage you to take some before photos, wish I had they will remind you how far you have come and where you are never going back. The other thing is to get into logging everything you eat. Being honest with yourself good or bad is really helpful. And finally get moving, even a little! Take the stairs or walk to the shops or go swimming just do something :) and good luck!
  • court182
    court182 Posts: 307
    Welcome! Glad you've joined! I'm fairly new myself and the one thing I learned right away was you have to take it one day at a time. Celebrate the days you stay on track! If every once and a while there's a day that you don't , don't beat yourself up about it; start fresh the next day! It'll happen, little by little. We're all here to help and supprt you!