Pink Patches



I was just wondering if any of you guys have tried ' pink patches'? My mate is sending me some to try and help me with the last 10lb or so that i have to lose within the next month and i was just hoping someone else has tried them already and are they any good!!! I have tried acai berrys and colon cleansers together but the never really worked for me... so any feed back is good




  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I haven't tried the pink ones but have tried other 'diet patches'... one from china that you wear at night gives me a rash after a few nights, others I have tried don't seem to do much, some help reduce cravings and I wear them when I got my monthlies so I don't get through as much chocolate! .. but I don't really think they have done much for helping me lose weight.

    I tried the Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse thing too and it just bunged me up for a few days (excuse the image... lol!)

    I tried capsiplex too,, you take that before exercising and at first it did really give me a burn (prickly heat sensation) get really hot and then when you exercise you sweat more. However for me it only seemed to work when I started exercising in early hours of the morning.. I don;t know if it was because I hadn't eaten yet (like 5 am) or cos of the theory that we wake up in fat burning mode anyway and burn more fat if exercise cos there's no food in stomach to use for energy first.

    After a few weeks though its not having the same effect and even first thing in morning I'm not sweating as much as I used to.. I'm gonna try some of those Zaggora Hot pants next to help me sweat more as I was losing inches to start with (8" off stomach and 4 " off waist) but that seems to have stalled too now!

    I think these things only works for short time at first just cos your body isn't used to them if you've never used them before, but as soon as body adapts they stop becoming as effective, so unless you changed patches/diet pills every few weeks I don't think they work well long term.