What are you looking forward to?

I have just been sitting thinking about what I will be looking forward to when I eventually reach my GW, I have a long way to go but I find thinking about future weight loss sometimes helps.

When we go on holiday I always dread the moment we board the plane and I have to squeeze down the aisle to get to my seat, then that horrible moment when I have to do up my seat belt! the amount of times I have had to breathe in, stuggle to get it to go together doesn't bear thinking about!
So I can't wait for the moment I can get on a plane and not have to worry about anything like that again :)

Has anyone else thought about embarrassing or uncomfortable moments that they won't have to be faced with when they reach their GW?


  • lookitscaitlin
    going into a shop and being able to try on anything I want. I get so depressed going to try something on and it doesn't fit or it doesn't suit me because of my belly ... Plus looking at photos and being happy about how I look. Good luck!
  • wifewith2boys
    I have 2 things actually. Not wearing plus size clothes anymore and going to AdventureLand with the boys and not feeling squished on the rides.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    Shopping for new clothes. I'd love to wear something besides jeans and long, muffin-top-covering shirts.....
  • Franksgreengirl
    I am looking forward to the State Fair. I have not been able to get on rides with my son for a few years now. It's not just that I have high blood pressure which is now under control, but the ride attendant not able to securely strap me in. I have been embarrassed more times than I care to remember and this is what I look forward to not having to remember the most. :blushing: :smile: :embarassed:
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    I'm looking forward to the day I go to the doctor and they don't have to keep moving the bar on the scale up, up, up.....

    And the other one I was looking forward to has already happened.....I teach first grade and my kiddos love giving me hugs....I couldn't wait until the day their little arms could reach all the way around me...towards the beginning of this school year, I got a hug from a former student who loudly announced...."Miss M, I can hug all of you now!' Best Feeling Ever!
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    right now I am looking forward to reaching my first goal of being under 200lbs. I am so close I can taste it! It tastes like salads and fresh fruits and whole grains and lean meat lol cooked of course. I am looking forward to seeing 199.9 on my scale and I am probably going to cry my eye so out when I do see that.

    As for my UGW.....New cloths and ( CLOSE YOUR EYES SeNESETIVE ONES DO NOT READ) better , uninhibited sex with my husband lol I always feel so aware of my weight and lack of flexibility that it gets aggravating lol
  • Aegelis
    Aegelis Posts: 237 Member
    About forty pounds ago (sixty being my highest) I'd split my khaki pants at work when I went to pick something up. Fortunately I was the only one to notice, went home, changed and came back. I'm close to goal and I must say that it's nice not having to be so concerned/worried about myself. The stress relief is worth it.
  • tritt86
    tritt86 Posts: 32
    Yes, shopping for clothes that are fashionable and fit comfortably too. Also I'm looking forward to wearing my smaller uniforms for work. When I have to remove my ABU top (so I'm in just an undershirt with pants) my belly bulge shows and It's embarrassing!! I can't wait to show off a smaller waist line!! :)
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    I'm looking forward to the day I go to the doctor and they don't have to keep moving the bar on the scale up, up, up.....

    And the other one I was looking forward to has already happened.....I teach first grade and my kiddos love giving me hugs....I couldn't wait until the day their little arms could reach all the way around me...towards the beginning of this school year, I got a hug from a former student who loudly announced...."Miss M, I can hug all of you now!' Best Feeling Ever!

    AWWW!!!!! Awesome! Made me smile! :)
  • MamaBear57
    MamaBear57 Posts: 336 Member
    I am looking forward to going on a real vacation with my husand in June. Wearing a two piece bathing suit and NOT feel fat in it. Have not put one on since my early 20's. Also to get rid of all of my clothes and have clothes that are youthful and nice.
  • dosesr4winners20
    wearing a half shirt for the first time in about 6 years. and wearing my bikini but being 100% comfortable instead of maybe 50%. also i'd like to learn to do a backflip lol.
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    Shopping for new clothes. I'd love to wear something besides jeans and long, muffin-top-covering shirts.....

    Exactly!! :happy:
  • slavaheroyam
    Of course, I'll be happy to be able to buy clothes and not be afraid of how it fits me or if all these lumps and bumps show up, but I want to be able to be somewhat of an inspiration to people that you're able to lose weight with dedication and also... not being entirely scared of my future health since diabetes and high blood pressure runs in my family.
  • sarah1211
    It's amazing the small things you think of! First things that came to mind... Crossing my legs comfortably and wearing a belt!