Ready to get going

I've been on this sight for over a month but just started using it. I really like it and I think I can go far with it. My name is John, I'm 40 and from Michigan. I have three boys and just need to get in shape again and not only for me but for my family as well. Always looking for new friends so add me if you want and lets motivate each other.


  • 57rainbows
    57rainbows Posts: 101 Member
    Hello John! I love this site; I could browse the forums all day. When I'm at a loss of what to do, I check out the weight loss help forums. When I'm down, I look at success stories. When I'm bored, I read blog posts and get inspired! The calorie counter is great; I *hate* doing it some days because I know I didn't do that great of a job, but when I put it down and see the number it helps me see what simple changes I can make to cut hundreds of calories. I heard recently that 100 calories a day for a year is 10 lbs; that's a great motivator to help me remember how important it is to cut corners, not add extras! Best wishes to you. You can add me if you want to. (-:
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 860 Member
    Hey John,
    I'm from Michigan too! Hurray for the mitten! This is a great tool, and has been working for me. Finally, something is working. Both my sons are has lost almost 60#, the other is pushing 45#. I'm old, I'm a woman, I've got about 2# to go to hit 30#. But I'm liking it so much better than Weight Watchers (WW), or anything else I have done. The support is fantastic. You can get how ever much you need from here, whether it's a lot, or just a place to log your food and your exercise. If you make your diary public, your friends can help you with it. It's always good to be accountable to someone besides yourself. You might think twice about eating something if you know you have to write it down and others will see it.
    Also, work on your water...really important.
    Add me if you like! I'm happy to look at your diary, and see if i can keep you on the straight and narrow. I just ask the same from you.
    Good luck with your journey!