Snack ideas please

I need a snack for work so I don't go hypo before lunch. I need something portable in a pocket, 100-200 kcal, low glycaemic index but a decent amount of carbs in it. I've been using muesli bars or flapjack sticks but would prefer something with less actual sugar in it - lower GI. Any ideas? :)


  • I think cheese strings are a great idea - and the prepackaged ones don't need to be refrigerated - especially if it's just for a day!
  • Bonny272
    Bonny272 Posts: 154 Member
    Almonds are great and I think one of their many benefits has to do with keeping your blood sugar level.
  • Bonny272
    Bonny272 Posts: 154 Member
    Almonds are great and I think one of their many benefits has to do with keeping your blood sugar level.
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    quest bars. They're super filling, low carb, sugar, no sugar alcohol. I just love them.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Check out
  • I agree with Bonnie. My wife got me hooked on almonds (raw) for snacks, and they really do the trick. Great source of protein and low calorie. They really fill you up! 23 almonds (yes I actually count ahead of time) is only 80 calories!

    Good luck!
  • ZoayZoay
    ZoayZoay Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks for the ideas. I do need carbs in my late morning snack (eg about 30g) or I will go hypoglycaemic. (I have diabetes)
    I just want them as low GI as I can get them.
  • ZoayZoay
    ZoayZoay Posts: 60 Member
    Almonds sound good in general but I'd have to eat 150g to get enough carbs which is 750 odd calories. Cheese also a good snack but no carbs in it and that's what I need just for this one point in the day.