


  • xStellar
    xStellar Posts: 28 Member
    I found that I needed to cut out the beer for a while until I lost some weight, then I slowly added it back in. I found that after not drinking beer for a while I couldn't drink more than two, I would get too full! And im with you on not being able to drink the light stuff, gross. Fall is the hardest for me too, all my favorite seasonals, I Love Oktoberfest beers!

    If you have a few on the weekend and go a little over your calories,no big deal, ,just try keep your diet as clean as possible the rest of the time. If you absolutely forbid yourself from something you love you are setting yourself up for failure.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member

    Beer snob here! I try to limit alcohol to only a couple/few days a week. Instead of having a beer a night, I might have 2 or 3 once or twice a week. I have been having a drink a day for like two weeks now and my weight is not budging. Gotta get myself back on track... but the thing with alcohol is that your body burns, in this order, alcohol, carbs, fat, protein.... so if you drink, you body is busy working on digesting and removing the alcohol from your system and isn't working on the carbs and fat.

    Beer has no business having only 55 calories a serving. ~gag~ Plus - alcohol has calories. So less calories = less alcohol. I would rather have a nice, cold, frosty, dark beer for more calories and more alcohol than to have three bottles of swill. I will save up my calories for a 22 oz. Arrogant *kitten* long before resorting to swill.
  • everydaypam
    everydaypam Posts: 93 Member
    I agree with all! I love my beer and while I have been willing to cut back I certainly am not willing to give it up. Plan ahead on days you know you will be drinking and fit in some extra exercise. Go for a long walk or hit the gym. There are a lot of good options for beers under 200 calories.

    I personally love New Belgium Brewing and they post the calories online so you actually know what you are getting. 1554 is around 200, Hoptober is about 175, Ranger IPA is 150, Mothership Wit also about 150 and they claim it is organic :tongue:

    Being a Kansas City girl I also have to tout Boulevard Brewing. If you get it in your area most of their beers are 150-200 calories a bottle and even the smokestack series (my favorites) are under 250 a glass.

    A good rule of thumb is to stay away from any super sweet beer. The sweeter the beer the more malt (sugar) they added so if you stick with the beers that don't taste as sweet there is a good chance you are sitting around 200 calories or less for 12 oz.