Super New and need LOTS of help...

So I'm super new to all this, and i'm totally intimidated. i love food. I have a problem with thinking about food and then cant stop obsessing over what i'm thinking until i ultimately give in and have to have it. And I just over eat.

Any one have any tips on things to much on or good recipes to cook, and that actually taste GOOD?!?

Please share.


  • cabriniswamr1011
    Welcome aboard the health train!!!! As for cooking...definitely not my forte!!!! LOL So, I will leave that to someone else. As for thinking about it non-stop....i do the same thing....when that happens, I take a walk....even at work.... hope it helps....and no worries, seems like everyone is eager to support those who have the courage to join... including me though I'm only a half day old to this!!!!
  • ezekiel571
    Heathy foods that actually taste good? They dont exist...

    Just kidding. i dont think you have to completely change what you eat, you just need to control how much. Use the android/iphone app, honestly log your calories down to the last drop of liquid and then evaluate what you can and cant do.

    As an example, I had grilled Tilapia (lawrys herb and garlic marinade), peas carrots and mash potatoes for dinner last week. That whole meal is about 500 calories and was pretty good.

    1 Pork chop with hawaiian suace, honey, mustard and soy marinade. Veggies and pasta are about the same also (roughly 600 cals)

    As of now, I drink only diet sodas (rootbeer and ginger ale) and crystal light (5 cals per serving) and then split up my meals into breakfast, lunch and dinner. Oh yeah, maybe a spoon or two of ice cream a few night also!

    You can basically eat *anything as long as you are within your calorie goals.


    *well almost anything
  • puzwuz1
    puzwuz1 Posts: 42
    Welcome! I had the exact same problem about a year ago when I first started my journey to change my habits (Have not been on this site that long...) I agree with Mike on you really DON'T have to change what you are eating but really how MUCH. The biggest thing this site will help you with is to help keep yourself accountable, but don't get intimidated about it all. The best thing I did for myself when I started logging my food was to be completely honest with myself and I soon found out there were days where I was well over 3,500 calories per day (and even worse on days that I just don't want to think about anymore...)

    Personally, I have changed a lot of things about my food intake in that I really don't eat all the things I used to, but not so much because I don't feel like I can have them, but more that I have found much better alternatives to them. I still get my favorites into my day; I will eat ice cream, chips, cookies, etc....but instead of eating an entire sleeve of Oreos I will eat 3-5 cookies. :)

    Some suggestions for you on munchies: I like eating Fat Free Greek Yogurts with fruit; veggies (I know they don't sound great compared to things like candy, cookies but after a while I actually begin to crave veggies and not so much the junk.

    Some recipes: If you like seafood - Baked Teriyaki Salmon w/ Veggies I love! (Basically a teryaki sauce made from soy sauce, ginger, garlic, honey, pineapple juice then poured over salmon and baked until done). I usually sautee some veggies (like squash/zucchini with that).

    Another one I love is Ground Turkey Bean Dip - Fat Free Refried Beans / Sauteed Veggies (mushrooms, onions, bell peppers) / Cooked Ground Turkey / Low-Fat Cheese (Baked at 350 until beans are warm and cheese is melted) then I put lettuce and other things on top, use Plain Fat Free Greek Yogurt as my "sour cream" and eat with Wheat Thins. This one could be a ~500 calorie meal as long as you don't eat the entire dish that you prepare :)
  • docHelen
    docHelen Posts: 198
    i turn my thinking about food energy into planning my daily food diary....then i just look forward to what i have eat for the rest of the day. that works for me
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    I had that problem too but eventually it subsided after using this site to record everything and keep within my calorie count. Makes it more of a chore that I need to do instead of something that I want to do. Something that you might want to try to munch on are grapes and grape or cherry tomatoes. Their obscenely low in calories and filling. Good luck.