Semi Newbie Here...

So I am on like my 3rd week and scale is not being nice.. :grumble: ..I think I need more input on my diet or some ideas of what I can do differently.

Please feel free to add me to give me some pointers.


    FATBARRA Posts: 6 Member
    Are you being honest with yourself about the portion sizes? It is very easy to over or underestimate what a 30g bowl of cornflakes with 2fld oz of milk looks like etc.:happy:
  • PrettyLittleLiar79
    YES!!! I am usually way under my calories too.
  • Jean410
    Jean410 Posts: 104
    Are you possibly overestimating calories burned? MFP is usually much higher than what the machine tells me, so I adjust my time to meet the same calories the machine had.

    Although I know what to do with my diet, I'm still struggling to keep that straight myself, so I don't feel right doling advice on that end. Don't give up!!