Starvation mode?



  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    if you are over your healthy weight- what type of food you eat,how many calories you eat really doesnt matter as much, when you are in your healthy weight- you would really observe your body patterns-smalles changes like cutting out process carbs,processed food,canned food,eating your excercise calories back all these show you results youd get without doing any of these while you are overweight.Bottom line- its your health-you chose what you want to go for.healthy food choices-good calories-good health, bad food choices and below calorie level-you wont die-but you are inviting trouble.
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    I notice in that study that th men were starved of nutrients more than calories. 1500+ cals would be fine if it were well balanced but they were given mostly starches, bread and pasta.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I spent a year never eating my exercise calories back,lost 62 pounds,in Aug I wanted to maintain for awhile started eating around 2000 never gained a pound back.
    Not to say I dont belive instarvation mode,because I do. But you know what it took for it to happen to me? 17 years of going 2 or 3 days without eating a thing. (not caused by ED) so when I went back to eating daily I gained alot and fast. But after a year and a half of not paying any attention to my exercise calories i am in no way anywhere near to being in starvation mode
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    What each person does is their own business (unless they're seriously hurting themselves), so whether or not someone eats their exercise calories is up to them. Personally? I lost more eating more, and believe that other weight loss attempts failed because I wasn't eating enough. I foolishly believed that to lose more weight, I'd have to eat even less food, and that wasn't something I was willing to do. So I was amazed that even in my late 30s, when you'd think my metabolism wouldn't be so great, losing weight was pretty easy while eating a normal (never feeling deprived or hungry) amount of food.

    That said... can we please make Christian Bale stay around 190? :heart: