newbie ??

I am new here. In th epast 6 months I have limited my caloric intake severely.
I am male, active duty military deployed, diagnosed with ptdsd and depression, have been on meds for 2 plus years which did not help with weight ggain, actually proven that they caused quite a bit. I am 68 inches tall and went from 175-180 to what I now weigh of around 200-205 in a little over 18 months. I decided something had to change.. . I have limited my intake, high protein meal replacemnets by mterx to3 a day. with soy milk, sometimes only two a day with soy milk and one with water for the last 6 months, NO BS, No Cheating. Best case scenario was 1140 for the day. I pucshed my exercise routine up, cardio of up to 90 minutes a day burning up to 1800 calories per session with an average of 1250 just for cardio.. Also doing strength training, weights push ups etc.. Lost 3 lbs in 4 months.. energy down, etc... Referred to this site. Have programmed my goals in, site says 1490 a day prior to exercise etc. I still do weights, cardio( average 1250 burned in cardio) When I add this I get told I need to eat 2750-2800 calories.., Eat what you burn etc? I am haing a hard time eating 1700 at best . Only been doing it for the past few days but already have started weight gain.. Calories I consume are in metrx or body fortress protein, soy milk, carrots, banansa, rasins , egg whites.. Not in junk..
I am in need of suggestions, figure I was in a starve mode for atleast 5 months, now trying to get it right. How long does it take for meatbolism to come out of a starve mode? Shold I increase my calories more or expend less doing cardio? Advice / ideas would be great as I am at a loss right now and do not need to gain at this point..