I am the world's worst backslider!

Hi I joined this site a couple of months ago and did ok at first and started backsliding in September. I could use encouragement. I see a correlation between the frequency of log ins and weight loss. I had a relapse when i didn't log in for a couple of weeks. I made a commitment to be true to myself and log in even if I go over. Any helpful advice for backsliders would be welcomed.


  • shad1018
    shad1018 Posts: 191 Member
    I share the title with you! You are very right about the correlation between log in and success. Once I start telling myself I'll log it later, I stat making bad food choices. I am the most successful when I plan my meals and log them before I actually eat them. That I way I am making choices. The last week, I have been eating first, logging later than trying to get in enough excercise to balance everything out. ALso, my water consumption was much better when I logged after every 16 oz.

    I am here for support and encouragement and would love the same from you!

  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    Such honesty! I agree, the daily accounting helps so much. Welcome back (I'm new) and I know you'll get where you want to be:-)
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Howdy from a former Memphis resident! We're close in age, I walked across the stage in 1978.
    I too am a backslider....started in April, did good for about 2 months and went from 256 down to 242.
    A few weeks ago I stepped on the scale because I was feeling fatter than usual and it was over 260.
    Got back on the bandwagon and I don't want to backslide again. I'm loggin in everyday and exercising about 4-5 times a week by taking the dog for a 1 mile walk. The last couple days I left the dog behind and brought along some 4 pound hand weights.
    I've dropped about 12 pounds these first two weeks and expect to lose 2 per week from here on.

    You can do this! log in every day, step back from the pre-packaged foods and you'll find you can eat more when you cut out those sugars, sodium, and other nasty stuff the food producers stuff into the cans and boxes. Heck even the 'healthy' meals that only have a few hundred calories are looooaaaadddded with sodium, which is bad for our blood pressure and makes us retain water.

    Stick with it and check in once in a while!
  • Hi! I've only been here a few weeks but I'd love to help and support you anyway I can! Feel free to friend me!
  • I hear ya! I have been back sliding these past few weeks and if I don't stop it now, I will have gained my few pounds back! Ugh! I noticed that when I stock up on fruits and veggies and prepare them in advance, I do better. Like my daughter says "Eat lots and lots of color & I don't mean Skittles!" (she's very good for my program as she is in college for sports fitness) So add me as a friend and we can encourage each other!
  • memphismum
    memphismum Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! You are right, planning out what to eat is key. I might as well log it while i'm planning because it is easy enough to change. Good tip, thanks!!
  • AliceRabbit13
    AliceRabbit13 Posts: 138 Member
    You're in good company, my friend lol

    The best thing, for me, is to not look back any further than which mistakes I made so I can learn, then move forward. If I sit there wondering where I went wrong, I would still be sedentary and not losing anything lol
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! You are right, planning out what to eat is key. I might as well log it while i'm planning because it is easy enough to change. Good tip, thanks!!

    I try to do this as well to get a picture of the next day. I do make changes sometimes but that's ok, too.

    I started back in Jan and did very well and then backslid too. I gained 22 pounds back! arghhhh.
    I never want to do this again. It's so tiring to keep trying to deal with this year after year.
    I'm 51 so it really is time to deal with this once and for all.

    I absolutely agree that logging in daily is KEY to keeping me on track and not avoiding to log in if I binge.

    Best to you!
  • Sweetpea3963
    Sweetpea3963 Posts: 16 Member
    Here I am.......another backslider. I am fairly new to this site as well, but have tried other online forms of tracking food and exercise. I totally agree that logging your food prior to eating would be a good way to keep on track. I am sure there are many of us that backslide at times, but what's most important is that we try to get back on track again..........