Time to find myself under all this excess

jaieme03 Posts: 3
edited October 3 in Introduce Yourself
Hello. I have been fluctuating my weight for a while now and It is finally getting to where it affects my health. I am always complaining of being sick with stomach problems, lack of energy; just negativity all the way around. I am very unhappy with how I look now and until I take control and quit letting myself impulsively eat every time I am bored, then nothing will change. I was in denial at first about the fact that I am gaining so much weight just in this past year. Now, I see it in photos and it sickens me to know that I have gotten to this point, when at this time last year, I looked a lot better. I need all the encouragement I can get and hope to offer you some of the positive outlooks that I still have deep down inside.


  • I feel the exact same way! I have no more excuses to give! I have to do something about this. We can do it Jaieme! You are doing great! Dont look back, push forward!
  • That is awesome that you quote Galatians 6:9! That's the one that I always use and live by. That makes my day!
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