Anyone else starting from zero?

Is anyone else starting to exercise from zero? Have you noticed any small improvements?

I have been away from physical activity for decades; no cycling, jogging, water sports, hiking, dancing, nothing. An I had a desk job.

I started to bicycle again and noticed my left leg was stronger than my right. Odd. I think it compensated for a slightly painful right knee. I visited a gym and was shocked my right leg could not even move the stationary bike pedal in a full circle! The left could, but not the right. I cycled, but the left leg did most of the work to avoid knee pain. the doc said cycling would strenthen the muscles around the knee, but that was not happening.

I went back to the gym and started with isometric exercises and using the weight machines with NO weights to re-learn how to move and how it felt. Slowly added light weights and kept up the isometrics. 10 days later I could pedal with just my right leg. A small success! It was slow, choppy, and with bad form but it was possible.

I am also exercising the trunk and upper body, noting particularly weak areas. I feel really silly pressing 5 pound weights when everyone else, young and old, men and women, are doing so much more. Still, it is progress. And what if I could workout with just one more pound each week? That could add up over a year or two.

I thought that was great progress in a little over a week.


  • EmmaRankmore
    Congratulations on your improvements!! I think thats brilliant! :)

    Remember to take it at your pace, and not worry about what everyone else is doing. What works for you is what matters. :)
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    thats fantastic

    I too am starting from zero fitness
    this is from someone who used to walk 7 miles pushing my friends two children in a double buggy and go to the gym three-four times a week

    my arthritis in my knees became so painful the exercise became less and less - I finally gave up and asked about replacement (it had been suggested two years previously) so I was all geared to have the op when I collapsed with blood clots on both lungs and the right side of my heart is damaged

    so the last few months I have not been able to walk upstairs without a rest half way up
    a ten mine walk has been taking me 30+ mins
    this week I walked upstairs in one go and it took me just 23 mins to do the 10 min walk
    I like you WILL get there

    I will be looking forward to your further progress reports :):)
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    so the last few months I have not been able to walk upstairs without a rest half way up
    a ten mine walk has been taking me 30+ mins
    this week I walked upstairs in one go and it took me just 23 mins to do the 10 min walk
    aaleigha1, that is awesome! To have that much of a setback, and make that much progress. It is like saying Arthritis? Blood clots in the lungs? Feh! Not gonna let those little things stop me!