Low low calorie deficits but over on fat....?

Okay, so I have lately been posting extremely high calorie deficits daily [600-900] thanks to exercise and calorie control, and I'm extremely proud of this. But I have noticed that I go over on my fats and often proteins almost every day. I work out between 3 and 6 times a week and mix a lot of cardio and strength training. I have cut out virtually all carbohydrates from my diet but I'm not on a committed Atkins diet or anything. I eat a TON of raw and steamed vegetables, fish and chicken, nuts, eggs and cheeses, so the higher fat contents of my diet make sense. I get into too much trouble with carbs, even with substitutions like whole wheats and ryes, so its easier for me to cut them out.

My question is basically whether these fat-content overages may be hurting my overall weight loss goals? I train and condition hard. I'm just not sure what to think.

Thanks for reading my post.


  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,672 Member
    You mean that your food diary says -600 at the end of the day? Because you should be netting no fewer than 1200 calories to properly fuel your body.

    Also, dietary fat won't make you fat, so relax about that.

    Can you expand on your nutritional approach in order for us to give you some more advice?
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    I'm just that much under my calorie goal for the day, which does sometimes drop me below 1200 because of the amount of exercise I do. It just depends. As far as my food intake....I'm not sure what all to expand on. I eat twice a day and try to add a protein shake. I eat simple salads and pair meats and veggies together. I don't really snack...I never really have. And trust me, this routine is actually doing pretty well for me. I'm just worried that even dietary fats will have an impact on my weight loss since I tend to go over my limits a lot. It worries me, but I dont really eat carbs any more and havent touched even a simple carb other than fruits in a month.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Oh I am the other way- I need to eat more fat & protein and keep shooting waaaay over on carbs!

    Those numbers drive me crazy!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    What percentages of fats, protein, carbs are you set to?

    Going over on protein is fine - unless your consuming way over 200-300g a day.
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    1560 calorie goal - 215g limit carbs - 52g limit fats - 59g limit protein.

    I think the most I go over on either is by 20g and usually less, but that red minus number freaks me out most days.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You can use the custom settings to tweak those macro levels - so you could reduce your carb goal and up proteins and fats to compensate, that'll stop those red figures from annoying you!
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    So here's an overview. If I dont highlight it for the day, it means i was under the posted limit in that category. -Number is the amount of grams i was over my limit, essentially. What concerns me is that I'm posting large amounts of under my calorie goals and usually between 100 and 200grams below my carbohydrate limits, so is this why my diary looks like the following?

    9-15: -20 fat
    9-16: under all categories
    9-17: -4 fat, -15 protein
    9-19: -5 fat
    9-20: -20 fat
    9-21: under all categories
    9-22: under all categories
    9-23: under all categories
    9-25: -10 fat, -29 protein
    9-26: -21 fat, -21 protein
    9-27: under all categories
    9-28: -18 fat
    9-29: -42 fat ... don't know about this day.
    9-30: under all categories
    10-2: -9 fat
    10-3: under all categories
    10-4: -24 fat
    10-5: under all categories
    10-6: -6 fat
    10-7: -6 fat
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    The amounts are pretty small, apart from one or 2 days on the fat - you can probabaly identify what that was.

    All in all it doesn't look like you're too far off.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Those numbers are not bad at all. You can't let a red number in your food diary throw you off. I often have too much sugar or too much protein. At first I let it get to me ... but then I realized that in the big scheme of things, it wasn't impacting my weight loss.

    Also - make sure you are eating enough. 600+ defects might initially help you lose, but you might hit a plateau if you keep it up.

    Try making your food diary public, too. I get excellent feedback having mine viewable to friends.

    Good luck :)