30 Day Shred (and C25K) progress pictures

drblythe Posts: 163 Member
So yesterday I finished the 30 Day Shred,

I've been taking progress pictures in-between each level and putting them on my mfp blog,

I've never publicly posted progress pics before so I though doing them as a blog was a little less scary than doing a forum post.

But now that i'm finished I felt like i should put them on the forums for more people to see, seeing as I always look at the success posts for motivation.

so even though the first picture is pretty embarrassing here are some pictures from before and after the 30 Day Shred. (while also doing the C25K, i'm now up to week 6)




and here is the link to my blog which contains more details and pictures from in between each level, they were to wide to fit in the forum post :)


*** edit *** I changed the pictures to thumbnails as i couldn't bear to have them so huge! so if you click on the link to the blog you can see them properly :) ***


  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Fabulous! Well done! :drinker:
  • jess3012
    well done hun! your looking great!
  • kell_riley
    Wow well done you can see a real difference! Looking great! :)
  • drblythe
    drblythe Posts: 163 Member
    Thanks :)

    I wish the pictures weren't so big! I've resized them to a tiny size on photobucket, but its not making them any smaller :(
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    Wow! I'm thinking of doing 30DS, how did you find it?
  • kahavi
    kahavi Posts: 35
    Looking great! :)
  • drblythe
    drblythe Posts: 163 Member
    Wow! I'm thinking of doing 30DS, how did you find it?

    I love it,

    This is the second time that I've done it and i find it really helpful for getting back in to everyday workouts, which isn't something I've been good at in the past.
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    Wow! What an amazing difference you made in just 30 days!!! Way to go :happy:
  • mabelebam
    mabelebam Posts: 150 Member
    wow that's amazing! :) congrats!
  • Amie_LR
    Amie_LR Posts: 50
    Looking good! That's some difference! You must be so happy, and rightly so!
  • LorTay8
    LorTay8 Posts: 79 Member
    Thank you for sharing these - it's amazing what can be done with dedication - well done to you, and thanks again!

    By the way - what is 30 day shred and where do I go to get it? Thanks.:flowerforyou:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Thanks for sharing. You are very inspiring and motivating.
  • l_oudman
    l_oudman Posts: 373 Member
    Excellent results, congratulations!!!! :smile:
  • drblythe
    drblythe Posts: 163 Member
    Thank you for sharing these - it's amazing what can be done with dedication - well done to you, and thanks again!

    By the way - what is 30 day shred and where do I go to get it? Thanks.:flowerforyou:

    Thank you! Nice comments make posting pictures less scary :)

    30 Day Shred is a work out DVD by Jillian Michaels, its basically a 20 minute work out every day for 30 days,

    It depends where you're from but its available online and in shops like Target (i'm in australia, but I've seen people say the got it in walmart in the US)
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    You look awesome

    I am LOVING the shred. I am about halfway through now (on level 3) my waist has gone by about 2 inches. hips just 1.5 but my thighs nearly 3 each. It works so well. Going on to her thighs and bums after.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Your progress has been amazing - well done!
  • bogotachica
    You did a great job!
  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    Look at you shrinking! Awesome job! You look great! You must feel great too. :)
  • littleenginethatcan
    You have amazing results! Be proud! I think taking pictures at completion of each level is a great idea!
  • MelC2564
    MelC2564 Posts: 182 Member
    You look great! It looks like WAY more than 2.7kg loss!!
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