Why am I always so bloated after I eat?

Before I started this diet I always ate junk food and crap so was a little bloated after eating anyway. But since starting my diet 6 days ago I've found that from day 3 I feel really really bloated after I eat a meal. Its worst than when I ate junk food and I've change to completely healthly now so I cant understand how I can feel like that after a salad or soup.

For example: I've just eaten 1 can of drained tuna in spring water with about 2 handfuls of florettes crispy salad, with a drisle of light salad dressing.

It seems odd for me, I'm completely new to this liestyle change!


  • SarahxCheesecake
    SarahxCheesecake Posts: 169 Member
    I always wondered this after 2 pizzas and a whole cheesecake:happy:
  • It's because your stomach shrinks as it adjusts to eating less. It also doesn't have to produce as much gastric juices to digest preservatives and things :)
  • JennyJacobsen
    JennyJacobsen Posts: 72 Member
    I have IBS and I can tell U that Fiber in your diet can include bloating and gas. But I can tell U I've been on a strict diet of fruits and veggies for 4 weeks, bloating has calmed down. I have even noticed my stomach doesnt hurt anymore from the IBS I guess diet does make a difference. When I used to eat Garbage foods I was Gassy ALL the time now just in the morning I have some gas pass and thats it. If U like peppermint tea I can tell U that can help a bloated tummy. Peppermint is good for your stomach, bowels. I also have tried papaya enzymes to eat salad because it hurt my stomach too. U can buy them at walmart in the vitamin isle. I hope this has helped.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I only feel that way after eating grains.

    Grains have evolved a toxicity that make mammals sick and discourages them from eating them.

    Try cutting those for 2 weeks and see how you feel.
  • teachfl2
    teachfl2 Posts: 95 Member
    My stomach cannot handle lettuce (I have IBS as well as food allergies) so there are alot of "healthy" foods that will not agree with your stomach. I have learned that just because it is a healthy food doesn't mean your stomach with be able to digest it properly. For me that includes fruits, vegtables, wheat, chocolate, egg yolks etc. Try a digestive enzyme before your meals and keep track of what you eat and how your stomach feels after you eat- so important!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    When you first increase fruit and veggies you will feel bloated afterwards. Your system should get used to it though!! Grains still make me bloated and I'm trying to avoid those, I think I have a sensitivity.
  • thanks for the replies guys, loads of tips that seem to make sense> I'm wondering if i'm overfilling my plate cause I'm worried I wont feel full up and even tho its healthy its still too much.

    anyway, I am starting to see a change but it'll be interesting to see where I am in two weeks time. Nearly fell off the wagon loads already!

    Cheers x

    Feel free to add me if you're up for mentoring a newbie x