Please pray for Loki

My amazing cat Loki fell in suddenly last night. The vets so far haven't been able to figure out what's wrong as his symptoms contradict each other. He is a great cat. He seems more human than cat most times. We love him so much and can't imagine him not being around. Even though I know he is at the hospital right now, I can't help but expect to see him everywhere I look in the house. Please pray for him. Hy husband and I feel so gulity and heart broken.


  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    My amazing cat Loki fell in suddenly last night. The vets so far haven't been able to figure out what's wrong as his symptoms contradict each other. He is a great cat. He seems more human than cat most times. We love him so much and can't imagine him not being around. Even though I know he is at the hospital right now, I can't help but expect to see him everywhere I look in the house. Please pray for him. Hy husband and I feel so gulity and heart broken.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Poor kitty! :frown: He has my prayers.
  • motivatedmama
    For the first time in my life I have a cat that is just such a part of the family. When I was reading your prayer request I was trying to imagine being in your situation. I am so sorry you guys are going through this. You definitely have my prayers.

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  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I believe that God has a special love for animals.:heart: I hope and pray that your sweet kitty is OK.:flowerforyou:
  • stormysmom
    Wishing your kitty a fast recovery. I wouldnt know what to do if my little dog bambi was sick.
    Their our furry four legged babies. :flowerforyou:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I said a prayer for Loki. I hope he gets better real soon. I have two cats (Andre" and Judy) so I know how you feel about your baby. I lost a cat several years ago and was devastated. I would hate for something to happen to Andre' or Judy. Let us know how Loki does. :flowerforyou:

  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Thanks for your kind words. I just got an update on his progress and it isn't good. He is having a hard time breathing and his heart is getting weaker. But they still don't know what is wrong. I wish we could do more for him. I wish we could send him to a specialist but the vet bill is already more than we can handle. I think we are going to bring him home and put him down. We don't want his last memory to be of a hospital. The worst part is the not knowing. What if we put him down and it turns out to have been something treatable? This isn't fair. It is so sudden. We aren't ready.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I am so so sorry! :heart:
    My parents have had 3 cats that were like my little brothers. One of them passed away in my dad's arms...we all sat with him as he took his last breath. It was difficult to see, but at least it was peaceful. The other two had to be put down for illnesses due to old age. It was really hard for my dad to put the last one to sleep because he was their first cat, but he had stopped eating and they knew he was suffering. It's a really difficult, very personal decision to put any pet to don't want them to suffer, but you don't want to lose them either. But know that your little man feels very loved, and as long as you are there with him, he will feel at home. :heart:

    (We also have a cat I rescued named Loki, he was such a troublemaker! Hence the name. :flowerforyou: )
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Oh Im so sorry to hear about your kitty:cry: I know how hard this is for you, we had to put one of my cats down this past summer. He was 18 yrs old and just started literally losing his mind:cry: I will keep you all in my prayers:heart:
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I'm so sorry. I will pray for your kitty and I hope that you are OK, whatever happens. I know how bad it sucks to lose a pet. I had a beagle named Bonnie for 16 years and she finally died of old age. That dog was like a little sister to me.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I am so so sorry! :heart:
    My parents have had 3 cats that were like my little brothers. One of them passed away in my dad's arms...we all sat with him as he took his last breath. It was difficult to see, but at least it was peaceful. The other two had to be put down for illnesses due to old age. It was really hard for my dad to put the last one to sleep because he was their first cat, but he had stopped eating and they knew he was suffering. It's a really difficult, very personal decision to put any pet to don't want them to suffer, but you don't want to lose them either. But know that your little man feels very loved, and as long as you are there with him, he will feel at home. :heart:

    (We also have a cat I rescued named Loki, he was such a troublemaker! Hence the name. :flowerforyou: )

    Thanks. We named him Loki because he was a trouble maker too. It took us a long time to pick the name. We felt like it had to fit his personality. He spent his first 6 months being called kitty.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    So thanks again to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. It hurts to give this update but here it goes. We went to go pick him up to bring him home so he could pass away at home with us. However, before we got there he started having trouble breathing and then his heart failed. He died before we got there. It hurts so much that his last memory will be of that hospital without us. We feel really guilty. I keep telling myself that maybe he chose to die before we got there to save us from the pain of seeing him go. It is going to be really hard to go on without him. Everything, every place in our home reminds us of him. He was only 8 years old. We are having him cremated and then we are going to bury the ashes in the spring in my in-laws back yard. That is the house we lived in when we first got him as a kitten. We are also trying to take comfort from the fact that he chose us and that we probably have had more good memories of him in 8 years than most people get in 20. We are going to give his food and treats to the local SPCA. I'll post a photo or two of him in my profile tomorrow so anyone who wants to see him can. Thanks again for your support. Please never forget to love and cherish your pets while you can. You never know when your time with them could end. :brokenheart:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Honey I am so sorry. I lost my dog of 16 years last year and it is like losing a family member.

    Please knwo you are in my heart today:frown: :heart:
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    You have my sympathy for the loss of your dear cat.:brokenheart: Remember all the good stuff about him, he loved you and I'm sure he'd not want to see you unhappy. Animals are a gift from God:heart:
  • MisoSoup79
    OMG... that is heart breaking. I am deeply sorry for your loss. Pets are very special and often it hurts more to lose a pet than a human friend because the love is unconditional and very personal.

    I lost a kitten early this year that I rescued and nursed for 10 days. 10 days doesn't seem like much, but when you are waking up every 3 hours to prepare a bottle and scheduling feeding times in a busy day, I think a bond grows really fast. At first I tried not to grow attached, but who could not love a helpless few-days-old kitten? His progress was amazing for 9 days, but sadly on day ten I couldn't get him to eat. I took him to the emergency vet, where they rehydrated him and gave him vitamins and a "fair" prognosis, then spent 6 more hours trying and trying, but he just wouldn't eat. He passed away in my arms on our 10th day together and it truly was the hardest thing I have ever been through. I plan on having him cremated, too... and saving a bit of his ashes for a special pawprint shaped necklace that has a compartment in it for such a purpose.

    As far as feeling guilty goes, please don't. Animals often try to get away from their human companions to pass away. I am sure that Loki knows how much he was cherished by you and your family and perhaps you were right in thinking he chose do die before you saw him again, to spare you the heartache. You were his family and even though he was in the hospital at the end, he knows your hearts were with him.

    My sympathy to you and your family. You may want to gather some good pictures of Loki and put them in a special frame to commemorate him, sort of an intimate little memorial.

    If you believe he has a spirit or soul, one thing I also suggest is to write a little note to him (yes, it might feel silly, but it helps) and then fold it up and burn it. As you burn it, imagine the note going from the physical world to the non-physical, where his spirit will feel the meaning. A personal message straight from you to him. Let him know how much you will miss him and then be thankful for all the time he was a part of your life.
  • KLS10
    KLS10 Posts: 127
    I am so sorry to hear about this. I am a huge cat lover, in fact my cat Dunks is like my baby. I have no kids and honestly don't think I could love anything more (im also 20 yrs. old) Anyways I just want you to know that you and Loki are definately in my prayers. I have had my baby girl for not even a year and have found out she has a heart problem that could give her a stroke at a moments notice (often found in maincoons) and I cannot even imagine if something happened to her which is why I am so sorry about your situation. All I can think about if something did happen is that she had a better life with me then most cats have with any human out there, and obviously Loki had a great family, was loved and was never abused or neglected. Loki may have been lost but she will never be forgotten and like I said, she had a better life then many cats out there and you should be happy that you gave her that life. You will be in my prayers, this is the most meaningful topic I have responded to. Hope your doing ok.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    OMG... that is heart breaking. I am deeply sorry for your loss. Pets are very special and often it hurts more to lose a pet than a human friend because the love is unconditional and very personal.

    I lost a kitten early this year that I rescued and nursed for 10 days. 10 days doesn't seem like much, but when you are waking up every 3 hours to prepare a bottle and scheduling feeding times in a busy day, I think a bond grows really fast. At first I tried not to grow attached, but who could not love a helpless few-days-old kitten? His progress was amazing for 9 days, but sadly on day ten I couldn't get him to eat. I took him to the emergency vet, where they rehydrated him and gave him vitamins and a "fair" prognosis, then spent 6 more hours trying and trying, but he just wouldn't eat. He passed away in my arms on our 10th day together and it truly was the hardest thing I have ever been through. I plan on having him cremated, too... and saving a bit of his ashes for a special pawprint shaped necklace that has a compartment in it for such a purpose.

    As far as feeling guilty goes, please don't. Animals often try to get away from their human companions to pass away. I am sure that Loki knows how much he was cherished by you and your family and perhaps you were right in thinking he chose do die before you saw him again, to spare you the heartache. You were his family and even though he was in the hospital at the end, he knows your hearts were with him.

    My sympathy to you and your family. You may want to gather some good pictures of Loki and put them in a special frame to commemorate him, sort of an intimate little memorial.

    If you believe he has a spirit or soul, one thing I also suggest is to write a little note to him (yes, it might feel silly, but it helps) and then fold it up and burn it. As you burn it, imagine the note going from the physical world to the non-physical, where his spirit will feel the meaning. A personal message straight from you to him. Let him know how much you will miss him and then be thankful for all the time he was a part of your life.

    Thank you. Your posting really means a lot and makes me feel better. We are already planning a few ways to commerate his memory. We have a ton of photos and when I feel a littel stronger I do plan to pick the best ones and get them framed. I also think I may get a tattoo and I like your necklace idea and I think I will write that letter. I think it might help to get everything out by writting it down.

    Ir's funny because I was just telling my husband that although I have lost people before (grandparents, uncles, etc) and somehow this feels harder and so much more personal. I never ever though this would hurt sooo much.

    Thanks again for your reply. It truly makes this a little easier knowing there are people who understand.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about this. I am a huge cat lover, in fact my cat Dunks is like my baby. I have no kids and honestly don't think I could love anything more (im also 20 yrs. old) Anyways I just want you to know that you and Loki are definately in my prayers. I have had my baby girl for not even a year and have found out she has a heart problem that could give her a stroke at a moments notice (often found in maincoons) and I cannot even imagine if something happened to her which is why I am so sorry about your situation. All I can think about if something did happen is that she had a better life with me then most cats have with any human out there, and obviously Loki had a great family, was loved and was never abused or neglected. Loki may have been lost but she will never be forgotten and like I said, she had a better life then many cats out there and you should be happy that you gave her that life. You will be in my prayers, this is the most meaningful topic I have responded to. Hope your doing ok.

    Thanks. The fact that it was so sudden makes this so much harder. I wish we had known... there is so much we would have done differently. Held him more, gave him more treats, played with him more ... But you are right. He had a great life filled with love. We have to try to take comfort from the good times we were blessed to have with him. Please give your cat a hug for us.
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss. I know I don't know you or your cat but you actually made me hurt enough to cry for you. My mom's cat ran out in front of her car last month and she couldn't stop and he died in her arms and I also had a cat die in my arms and he had leukemia so I know how hard it is on you and your family. They are our children too! I hope you just remember the good times you had with your baby. Please take care and know you were in everyone's prayers.