Opinions on the Dunkan Diet?

My mum seems insistent that we're both going to do it but I had a flick through the book and I'm skeptical.
Has anyone tried it? Does it work? Is it healthy?

Thanks :-)


  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    I'm on it (day 8) and yes it works, but the first stage is very restrictive. Its quite easy to stick to and protein is very filling so now hunger.

    Why are you skeptical? What is it about the diet you are unsure about? Happy to answer questions and there are lots of people on here that will too. But at the end of the day it has to be the diet for you, and not your mum

    Good luck!!
  • I'm on it (day 8) and yes it works, but the first stage is very restrictive. Its quite easy to stick to and protein is very filling so now hunger.

    Why are you skeptical? What is it about the diet you are unsure about? Happy to answer questions and there are lots of people on here that will too. But at the end of the day it has to be the diet for you, and not your mum

    Good luck!!

    I don't know really but I've always heard that any diet that is restrictive and cuts out food groups is unhealthy and will only lead to putting the weight back on and more :/
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I'm on it (day 8) and yes it works, but the first stage is very restrictive. Its quite easy to stick to and protein is very filling so now hunger.

    Why are you skeptical? What is it about the diet you are unsure about? Happy to answer questions and there are lots of people on here that will too. But at the end of the day it has to be the diet for you, and not your mum

    Good luck!!

    I don't know really but I've always heard that any diet that is restrictive and cuts out food groups is unhealthy and will only lead to putting the weight back on and more :/

    It's not really unhealthy, lean protein and after the (short) first phase you can eat veggies which are the healthiest carbs, so you're not ctting out a food group! And I lose like 20lb on it, switched to just eating healthy and counting cals and I've continued losing weight..
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    If you follow it right to the end its not unhealthy as all foods get added back in. But if you only do the first 2 phases and then go back to eating as you do now you WILL put the weight back on.

    The good points are that it is low fat, the main foods are lean meats and veg, and you can eat fat free diary so do get a variety of vitamins and minerals. I've chosen to supplement though with a multi-vit, just to make sure.
  • KENNY1957
    KENNY1957 Posts: 89 Member
    :laugh: You mean the Dunkan Donut diet.....or the Dukan diet....lol...Lil humor for the morning!!!!:drinker:
  • What I'm doing at the moment doesn't seem to be working but I have school and everything and what if I can't stick to it and I get fatter? And what if I put it all back on? :#
  • My friend who lost two stone on it has just loaned me the book. I'm keen to try it as it seems ok but I really do enjoy counting my calories so will find it hard changing from restricting calories to eating as much as I like of just one particular food group. It's also difficult to thik of interesting meals for the first 7 days so any practical ideas are greatly appreciated. x
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    What I'm doing at the moment doesn't seem to be working but I have school and everything and what if I can't stick to it and I get fatter? And what if I put it all back on? :#

    This could happen with any diet, and the best way to avoid it is to choose a diet that includes the foods you like ad suits your lifestyle. If you like variety - then stick to calorie counting because you can have anything. If you like meat and fish then Dukan may be for you and with a little bit of determination, and support from friends and family you could get to the end and keep it off for life.

    What are you doing at the moment?
  • What I'm doing at the moment doesn't seem to be working but I have school and everything and what if I can't stick to it and I get fatter? And what if I put it all back on? :#

    This could happen with any diet, and the best way to avoid it is to choose a diet that includes the foods you like ad suits your lifestyle. If you like variety - then stick to calorie counting because you can have anything. If you like meat and fish then Dukan may be for you and with a little bit of determination, and support from friends and family you could get to the end and keep it off for life.

    What are you doing at the moment?

    I'm just trying to eat healthily and exercise but I've been doing that for months and months and gained 10lbs -_-
  • Anyone who's doing it, I found this article: http://blogs.howstuffworks.com/2010/04/21/how-the-dukan-diet-works/

    It looks decent however, when he goes on to maintenance he starts to put weight back on. I don't know how much or if the 2lbs was a fluke because he doesn't say anything about it. Maybe he doesn't say anything because he put a lot more on?
    I really don't know o.o

    And also, I have hypoglycemia so will this diet not make me go faint all the time?
  • http://blogs.howstuffworks.com/2010/09/28/dukan-diet-15/
    This article is making me think that it is easy to put the weight back on :/
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    And also, I have hypoglycemia so will this diet not make me go faint all the time?

    I would not start any diet before talking to a doctor - they will be able to ensure you do it healthily. I don't know much about hypoglycemia but I would not recommend starting Dukan if you are at all unsure.

    Do you log your food on here? Do you know how many calories you eat against how many you burn? It sounds like this might be better for you long term, as it gives you lots of control to stop you putting weight back on
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    there loadsof information on www.thedukandietsite.com. thats the site i use of im unsure of anything, also there are others following dukan on mfp that are happy to help. i genuinley believe if i follow the diet i will not put the weight back on- ive been reading the book and it makes so much sense, and explains why the scales werent moving for me no matter what I did. its not a quick fix because once you get to your goal there is some work to do to maintain it, but i am a huge fan.

    however, get as much info as you can and maybe talk to your dr before starting
  • tinukeb
    tinukeb Posts: 14
    I'm on day three of the first stage. So far my meals have included beef steak, roast chicken, grilled King prawns, loads of yoghurts and some oat bran 'pancakes'.
    There are loads of recipe ideas in the book and you'll be surprised at just how creative you can get once you're onto the cruise phase : )
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    :laugh: You mean the Dunkan Donut diet.....or the Dukan diet....lol...Lil humor for the morning!!!!:drinker:
    I came running into this tread all excited about a donut diet!! :laugh: