I've been told to stop losing weight



  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I presume these are people who know you well and who are used to seeing you at your heaviest.

    You probably look so slim to them, compared to your previous silhouette, that they think you have gone too far. You have been living healthy long enough to know your own numbers, though, and to know what is a healthy weight for you. Stick to your goals, buddy, and good on you.
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i get told this all of the time and it drive me nuts, i know what is healthy for me so i don't need people telling me i'm 'too skinny'

    although tbh i'm currently pregnant with my 3rd child and my midwife informed me at my booking in appointment that i'm 'bordering underweight' and am not allowed to lose more...which of course is fine for me as baby comes first
  • Kikilicious84
    I presume these are people who know you well and who are used to seeing you at your heaviest.

    You probably look so slim to them, compared to your previous silhouette, that they think you have gone too far. You have been living healthy long enough to know your own numbers, though, and to know what is a healthy weight for you. Stick to your goals, buddy, and good on you.

    This! Keep aiming for your goals. Good luck and Great Job!
  • lauehorn
    lauehorn Posts: 183
    I have been starting to get people tell me that I have lost enough weight. or that you look fine now, don't get too skinny. I am not stopping till I reach my goal of 185 lbs, which is the top of the healthy weight range for my height. `I am just afraid if I stop, I will go back. Anyone else have been told they have lost enough?

    It's probably relative. Think about it, if these are people who have seen you frequently for a long period of time, of course you look great or even "skinny enough" after losing 100+ lbs. That's a big weight loss. Someone who had never known you before would be less likely to think you are too thin, because they don't have your larger size for comparison. Compared to the old you, you are thin! Compared to the you now, maybe or maybe not. I would work in concert with your physician to ensure that all the changes you are making are healthy and find someone who you trust as a gauge for "enough" vs "too far" in your weight loss goals. Above all, find a weight where you feel comfortable, can maintain through the lifestyle changes you've made without feeling deprived, and where you are healthy. That's more important than any number on a scale. Congrats on all your weight loss success!!
  • tishpickle
    When I see some friends they tell me I am not heavy and don't need to lose weight - which isn't true as I am at least 30kg overweight.

    I think its a perception people have about you as a person- they see you as one thing and when you change this it can make other uncomfortable.

    As long as you are healthy then there is no problem.
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    I hear that a lot. Many tell you that because they are struggling with the FACT they are OVERWEIGHT themselves and are not mentally "ready" to take better care of their health, principally, their HEART HEALTH. If they succeed in convincing you to stop losing weight, subconsciously, it makes them feel less "defensive" about their own obesity.

    You're doing what you believe is best to live a healthier, better quality of life for yourself, for your children and for your loving wife. You are avoiding a long, painful life of uncontrollable diabetes, high blood pressure, possible open heart surgery once or twice and a much too early death. If you ever observed open heart surgery on a person who is suffering from morbid obesity (80 or more lbs. overweight), you would see the entire surface of that precious heart covered with thick, yellowish fat and coronary arteries that are clogged with all kinds of yukky stuff the surgeon needs to replace.

    You were the smart one, Tony and you're well on the way to excellent heart health. I cheer you on every single day because of your courage to keep staying with your program.

    Hugs to you and the family :)
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I've been told that by my mum. I'm still currently obese. I honestly don't know what the woman is taking.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    67% of the US adult population is overweight or obese, but only 52% of people think they are over weight so there's obviously a disconnect between what people see has healthy vs reality. By accepting that you may still have weight to lose might mean that they have to accept that they could afford to lose some.
  • Raf702
    Raf702 Posts: 196 Member
    I have been starting to get people tell me that I have lost enough weight. or that you look fine now, don't get too skinny. I am not stopping till I reach my goal of 185 lbs, which is the top of the healthy weight range for my height. `I am just afraid if I stop, I will go back. Anyone else have been told they have lost enough?

    Don't listen to what anyone says, you do what makes YOU happy. And what YOU feel looks best for yourself. They're not the ones in your shoes exercising and dieting hard day in and day out. Your personal satisfaction is what's the most important.

    I take comments like that as compliments, and motivating words to continue working harder. No one will appreciate your physique the way you do. Good luck! Continue working hard!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I would bring your food diary and exercise diary to your doctor, or one who specifically works with weightloss. Give them all your facts and get advice. Have them calculate bmi, and cholesterol tests, etc. And get the doctor's advice for further weightloss.
    People sometimes do need to be told to stop losing weight because it becomes almost addictive, stems from control issues, or an eating disorder. At least with a doctor's ok you can put your friends' concerns to rest. Assume they are just concerned for your health, and not jealous or something. Questioning someone's motivation usually ends badly. :-)
    Congrats on the progress, and enjoy your day!
  • crazyeaCHANGED
    I havent been told to stop yet, but I have been told by several friends and family to stop around 200lbs. Anything less wouldnt be right for my bod size. Anyway, my goal is 180 and I dont care if I look too skinny. Thats when I may hit the gym and put the muscle on if possible.
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    I have been starting to get people tell me that I have lost enough weight. or that you look fine now, don't get too skinny. I am not stopping till I reach my goal of 185 lbs, which is the top of the healthy weight range for my height. `I am just afraid if I stop, I will go back. Anyone else have been told they have lost enough?

    I too am going through this. It's kinda frustrating to be honest. I mean I'm just now like right at the top of a "healthy" weight for my height/frame. But, I'm not happy with just enough. I need to lose 10 more pounds. I hear all the time " you don't need to lose more weight, your find where you are". I will know..when it's time to maintain. So will you. I am not 100% positive that it's even a number on the scale. When I feel right and look right to me is when I'll know.

  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    You have done very well. Keep it up till you reach your goal. I have another Mfp friend who has recently swapped to maintenance mode after nearing his goal. He is still losing weight! So even if I reach my goal (and I have a long way) I will probably still log on indefinitely to make sure that ithe weight doesn't come back! Ignore those others!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Occasionally people will tell me, "You don't look like you need to lose weight. You look great the way you are."

    I just respond with, "This isn't about the way I look. This is about whether or not I get diabetes when I am my mother's age."

    Suddenly, no one other than health care professionals are able to talk to me. My doctor flat out told me I needed to lose weight if I want to avoid diabetes, and that was when I weighed 10lbs less than I do now.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    I hope this problem happen to me someday :flowerforyou:

    Just chock it up and keep doing what you're doing. You might want to consider not telling anyone your new goal if you're not getting the support you need.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    I hear that all the time. It annoys me, so I tell people, "I look okay with clothes on, but..." LOL It usually shuts them up.
    That's the part people don't see. Even though my stomach is much much much smaller. All I see now is FAT that has to go away!!!!
    Yep. My stomach is NOT pretty. Three c-sections didn't help any, but I am determined to at least shrink it a lot without surgery. Plus, I am not to the clothing size I want to be in. So...I think like others said, some people who are not where they want to be see that you have lost the weight, may be subconsciously jealous, and want you to stop to make them feel better about themselves.
  • jlanab
    jlanab Posts: 89 Member
    my boyfriend gets ANGRY...SERIOUSLY ANGRY when I talk about loosing an additional 20lbs. Im 5'4' (on a big hair day :laugh: but usually 5ft3) and am currently 180. Im sure at this weight Im considered "obese" and even at 160 will still according to most charts be "overweight" but who gives a ...:mad: ... Gonna keep going until I'm comfortable and I think 160 is the magic number for me!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Yeah, seriously. Unless your doctor tells you to stop, then don't pay any attention. You know your body best, you'll know when you feel done. :)


    And if they keep pushing it and getting arrogant about it, 'its none of their damn business'.... Ive had to go that route with only one person, thankfully....
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Yes.. I have people tell me that if I keep working out I will turn into a skeleton and things like that! I also have people tell me that I need to stop because I am going to get all body builder on them or something!
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    It doesn't sound like you have unhealthy goals, so I think you have nothing to worry about! I agree with a couple things already said:
    1- People are jealous!
    2- They're used to seeing you at your HW, so in comparison you look so tiny now (which is great!)
    3- People honestly don't realize what weight is a healthy weight. The BMI scale was a big eye opener for me. I think people think of "obese" in an actual medical sense as a huge, 400 pound person. At my HW, I'd say I was pretty average sized and only 5 pounds away from being obese according to the BMI scale! Wow! I'm 5'4, which is a pretty average height. To be in my "healthy range", I have to be 145 pounds. I've been that weight before and was about a size 6 or sometimes an 8- and that's the very biggest I could be before I was considered officially overweight. I think most people absolutely don't realize that you really do have to be "thin" to be at your healthy weight!