I'm a fishy.

So for some reason that I'm still not quite sure of, I got super thirsty and guzzled down about 2 bottles of regular-sized aquafina water. I think each was like 16 ounces or something xO
Will this cause me to gain weight? I know that I will probably be bloated for a while, but will all the water just eventually be peed out? Because now I feel really full and water is sloshing around in my belly, and trust me, it's not that pleasant of a feeling..... ^^
(I'm sorry if this is a stupid question! :) )


  • cdstadt
    cdstadt Posts: 311 Member
    The water you drank weighs a certain amount and now it's inside you. If you weighed yourself right now, you'd see that small increases.

    But you're not going to gain weight from it, it's just water. Your body might retain it for a while but drinking water isn't bad for you.

    I don't like that sloshy feeling either.
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    There is such a thing as drinking too much water. Its called water intoxication. You can really reduce the amount of sodium in your blood. It can have some serious consequences. I don't know how much water you have to drink for that to happen, but I just wanted to shed light on this for those that did not know!
  • Smyles2u
    Smyles2u Posts: 48 Member
    2 bottles of 16oz water and you feel like a fish? You are 73% water so your body requires water an 32 os ok, I try to guzzle a gallon a day however I do weight train and to lots of protein. You will see a weight increase however you will also see a potty break increase until you body gets used to the increase of water.
    Your body needs that water!!
    Water weight wont be very much anyways and if helpe flush out the fat!
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    I've done the same kind of thing after I worked out then weighed myself. I not only gained weight but gained about 3 pounds. The next day I was 5 pounds lighter so you will temporarily gain from the what the water weighs but it will come off again. Don't worry about the weight you gain from drinking the water because drinking water has so many more benefits, digestion, increased metabolism, helps all of your organs, etc. Keep drinking and keep the faith.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Water will not cause you to gain weight.

    Water intoxication is only dangerous if you hold it in on purpose and don't pee.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Water has no calories,you will not gain weight from it.
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    Water will not cause you to gain weight.

    Water intoxication is only dangerous if you hold it in on purpose and don't pee.

    Excessive consumption leads to water intoxication.

  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Water will not cause you to gain weight.

    Water intoxication is only dangerous if you hold it in on purpose and don't pee.

    Excessive consumption leads to water intoxication.


    The article basically says if your kidneys are healthy and excreting water through urine properly you're fine.
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    The point I am trying to make is that yes, you can drink too much water. Read the notable cases. I posted that link just to enlighten others.

    Edit: I suppose I should have mentioned, or emphasized, that it is rare to suffer from water intoxication. So please, I am only trying to educate.
  • cdstadt
    cdstadt Posts: 311 Member
    Well yeah. You can drink too much water, but the OP drank TWO bottles. No need to show our water knowledge off for the sake of this particular thread...
  • Lelafin
    Lelafin Posts: 29 Member
    A healthy person (and by heatlhy, I mean someone who is able to pee... who has functioning kidneys) will not be harmed by drinking a ton of water unless they are drinking EXCESSIVE amounts.. like gallons and gallons and gallons. A healthy person's body will balance out the fluid by just making you pee more. And yes, you will gain temporary WEIGHT (500 mL or water = 1 lb), but NO YOU WILL NOT GAIN FAT!!!