" C-SECTION and the APRON !!



  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    two 9+ lbs babies by C section - phew-

    when I first started to lose weight I freaked out casue the flap just kept getting lower and lower and.... I ended up gaining weight back while I worked out some stuff in my head. Finally decided that I would rather be thin and healthy with a flap than obese, sick etc. with a flap filled with fat. My first 10 pounds were really hard to look at, then things started to get back into proportion a bit, as I lost more weight and exercised.
    I am hovering around 30#s lost since my last kid was born and things are looking a little out of whack again, but this time I can tuck the flap into my undies which means that my clothes look good :) I also think that as I lose more weight I will cycle through looking ok and hating the flap. I do try to treat the flap as good as I treat my boobs - I wear compression shorts when I exercise so that it has support.

    There is no way in hell I will have surgery to remove the flap so let's hope that when I get to goal weight I am happy with what I got. lol