Hello All!!! 5'7 239 pounds

Hey guys I am new on MFP...started on Thursday! My name is Amanda and I started losing weight about 6 months ago. I have lost a total of 61 pounds and I want to lose 59 more pounds. My goal is 180...which I know is still big, but I kind of like being thick ;) 180 I think would be perfect for me. Anyone with similar goals??


  • LeanMeanJeanne
    LeanMeanJeanne Posts: 44 Member
    Embrace those curves, girl!! I'm with you, I don't want to be skinny~ just healthy. Best of luck to you!!
  • im close to your im 5'8'' 1/2 (gotta add that 1/2 ya know) and im 229 with a 72lb a year challenge (6lbs a month) for myself you can add me if yo uwould like!!!
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    Hello and welcome 170 # is my goal .. I'm 5'10.. I wanna little cushion :laugh: Good luck on your journey feel free to add me if you like..
  • Hi Amanda, and welcome, you came to the right place and success with your weight loss!
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 780 Member
    I am right with you!! Curvy girls rule! :) I'm 275 at 5'7 and trying to get to about 170. Good luck to you! If you're looking for more friends add me! :)
  • Lotte34
    Lotte34 Posts: 429 Member
    I must admit i didn't read all of your blog but i did read the title. When i started (less than a month ago) I was 5'8 (not that i have shrunk) and 215lb. I am now (still) 5'8 and 204lb i am MORE than happy for you to add me if you need any support and advice.
    lots of love and luck
    Lotte x
  • Hi! Welcome! I had to respond because I have similar goals. I am currently 5'8 ish and 230 pounds. I would like to lose 59 more pounds and be at 170 ish because my goal isn't to be skinny. Good luck to you on your journey. If you don't mind, I'm gonn request to add you as a friend!
  • I just want to be health out the 3's and next out the 2's i want to be in the onelander.. i don't care if the scale read 199.999999 lol
  • Absolutely! This is the end of my 7th week on mfp and I've loved every single minute of it. I'm Bette (like Bette Midler), 63 and am in the midst of losing 100 pounds as my goal. That would put me, too, at 180. As of last Sunday, I'd lost 22 pounds. My doctor diagnosed me as Pre-Diabetic and asked if I wanted to work on it with diet/exercise or meds. Of course, I chose the first option. I want to feel the accomplishment that I have done this myself. I love having "friends" on mfp because we can encourage each other and keep up with our goals, challenges, ups/downs, etc.

    This has been very easy. I personally get up a few minutes early each morning and plan my day's menu and add it to my diary. That way I can tweak it by dinner time to see where I'm getting close to my limit or need to add to make it a good, healthy day. Can't say enough about how this has encouraged me, and I in turn am encouraging my friends. We all need that pat on the back or that hand reached out in friendship.

    I'd love to be your friend. And welcome to mfp:)

  • Me too! I'm 5'4" and 230. I'm trying to get to 160 and I'm new here also. Would love to have more friends with similar goals!
  • Thank you guys so much for the encouragement!!! We all are on the right path....Happy Losing :]
  • erikag34
    erikag34 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm 5'8" and 220 pounds. I would love to get back down to my lowest of 150. Please feel free to add me. I would love the added support. :smile:
  • court182
    court182 Posts: 307
    Welcome to MFP!!!
  • kaimi2011
    kaimi2011 Posts: 141 Member
    welcome and free free to add me as a friend. :flowerforyou:
  • Hi Amanda! Sixty pounds in six months, that's impressive! I'm another tall woman - 5'10", currently 215 pounds - looking to drop 25 pounds. I too am built to be thicker and stronger; no string beans in my family. I've lost 10 pounds in the last four months, with moderate changes to my diet and irregular exercise. I'm using this site to help me step it up a notch and concentrate on getting back to size 12/14. Best of luck on your journey, and feel free to add me to your growing friends list. (And hello from Dallas!)