
Hello! I am thinking about joining the local curves in my town. Does anyone currently go there? How does it work for you? Do you think its worth the money? What results are you getting?

Thanks so much!


  • yager8725
    yager8725 Posts: 267 Member
    I have went to curves. It was great especially for women just starting to workout. TONS of support. My group of ladies were alot older tan me but they pushed me hard! They said if they could do it i should do it twice as hard! set up to be easy to follow and at any pace. DO IT DO IT DO IT!!!
  • ivikatasha
    ivikatasha Posts: 192 Member
    I went there for a year and I liked it a lot, lost 30 pounds there. I ended up leaving cause their hours did not work for me at all. Open from 9-1, 3-7 mon-fri, and 9-5 on sat. Those were the hours and my local curves, might be different than yours, but if you work it might be hard to fit it in. Between work and class, I couldn't go there enough times to feel like I was getting my moneys worth.

    Other then hour issues, I would recomend it.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    I wold suggest doing alot of research on the one you are planning to got to. Last year my wife started going to one in our town, paid her first months membership, and went I think 3 times the first week. On Monday of the next week she went after school and when she walked up to the door it was locked. She looked inside and there was no equipment or anything, everything had been moved out over the weekend. She called the corporate office and all they would tell her was each one is independently operated and there was nothing they could do. Finally after about three months and getting the BBB involved she got a check for "some" of her membership fee back. My opinion is if a major chain, no matter what they are selling, doesn't stand behind their product, I will take my buisness elsewhere. Just my two cents.
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    I second JeffPettis!! Buyer beware!
    That being said, the Curves circuit is a good way to ease one into an exercise routine. I went to the one in our town, way back once upon a time, and it was okay for what it is. I quickly outgrew their equipment though. It simply was not a physical challenge after about 6 months.
  • brookjodie
    brookjodie Posts: 55 Member
    It's exericise but it's pricy and it gets boring quick and the one that I joined had a one year contract...
  • terribowling
    terribowling Posts: 7 Member
    Hi send me an e-mail and I have what you've may have been looking for at and look me up on Facebook and add me on as a friend! :smile: