Talk about depressing. Anyone else have this?

I was rubbing down with lotion when I realized I have stretch marks on the back of my knees. DEPRESSING. I continue to lotion up and whats next? A STRETCH MARK ON MY ANKLE! Who gets those?! Like seriously?? I didn't know it was possible! (Call me stupid/nieve!)

I'm feeling down enough as it was today/yesterday. Yesterday I tried to stick to my meal plan but failed. I KNOW I can get full from normal portions but WHY can't I just stop there? For some reason I never want to. I continue to eat until I get that miserable feeling! LAME!

Today my boyfriend came to me and said "I think I'm losing weight because of the's gotta be!"
Him and I have been eating the EXACT SAME FOODS at meals. He eats like crap for snacks though and his portions are huge (bigger then mine)....and he's losing weight! HES NOT EVEN TRYING! We started out about the same weight...Now I've lost about 4lbs, and He's lost..............20+!!! TWENTY PLUS! I made the comment "How unfair!" (jokingly of course! I'm proud of him for losing the weight, even if it wasnt intentional) and he said "Well I'm a guy. It's how it's supposed to be". What does that even mean? UGH!

Frustrating! Today I did great with breakfast and lunch...then I seen the chips and it all went down hill. when the chips were gone I went after the cookies. I stopped when I felt miserable. UGH! I know better! I shouldn't be doing this!
Now I'm left feeling like I don't "deserve" dinner because I already over ate for the day. It's only 3pm. I can't go until 8-9am tomorrow without eating. I just want to cry. It's not like I don't know how this works. I'm not stupid enough to just "not know any better"....I just have no will power! :'(


  • hayremom
    hayremom Posts: 9 Member
    Why do you even have those foods like chips and cookies in the house. Cravings are just conditioned responses, so if the trigger isn't there, you can't eat it.
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    It's easier for men to lose weight than women.
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    I hear you sister...eating out for me is where I just can't eat normal portion sizes. It's like I KNOW that I will feel gross if I keep eating, but I do anyway.

    For home prepared meals, my advice is to count out the calories of the portion before hand, put it on your plate, and put away leftovers before you even start eating. Better yet, try to avoid making enough food so that leftovers even exist. Just make enough for normal portions. As for your man, my boyfriend is the same way. He eats like crazy and I still weigh more than him. After doing some math on MFP and figuring out how much bodies just naturally burn, I've decided it's super unfair how many more calories men burn just EXISTING than women burn. My boyfriend should be eating about twice the food I eat. Literally. Twice the amount of food!

    So, random rambling advice put straightforward:
    -figure out calories in your portion before hand, put everything else away. You can do it!
    -don't compare your food intake to his food intake...metabolisms are really incomparable and you'll only discourage yourself if you let yourself think they should work the same.

    Good luck!
  • Krisengel
    Krisengel Posts: 161 Member
    I can't have junk food in the house or I eat it. I would just try to get a really good workout in this afternoon to minimize the damage, then eat healthy for dinner. Good luck, remember tomorrow is a new day!
  • oneLessS
    oneLessS Posts: 44 Member
    Chin up girl! You've already done a good job towards your goal! Try eating every bite of food until it is the consistency of baby food and then swallow. It's been working for me. Made me slow down and give my body time to realize it was full.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    ok (hug).....

    so for dinner you have lean protein, green veggies, etc. a nice healthy balanced meal. You do deserve that!! Play some with the kids and burn a few of those chip/cookie calories.

    Then after they get to sleep, rethink and possible retweak your plan...maybe you are eating too much OR maybe not enough, do some research on activity levels, etc.......with only 20 total to lose, your journey is more about muscle strengthening and fat loss.

    And, try to never compare yourself to your boyfriend or any man for that matter.......they have completely and entirely different bodies, metabolisms....(thankfully)

    Be well and take extra good care of yourself!
  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    BEEN THERE! It might sound hard, but the more whole foods you eat, the less cravings you'll have. When you feed your body the nutrients it needs, it will be satiated. You might want to check into this book: "Clean: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body's Natural Ability to Heal Itself" by Alejandro Junger. I was already vegan and wheat free and THIS program changed my life. Seriously. I'm 47 years old and feel better than I did at 35! Best of luck to you - just remember - it takes a lot more than willpower to lose weight - you have to get the proper nutrition. All calories are NOT created equal.
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    I am extremely weak when it comes to sweets, etc in the house, so when I began this journey to a healthier me, I purged my house of all things bad (by bad I mean things that taste SO GOOD), so when temptation strikes (like right now, I seriously want a brownie), its WAY too much effort to make it happen. I would have to go to the store or make them from scratch, and by the time I did all that, I probably wouldn't want it anymore. If you are struggling with temptation (and who doesn't, if we didn't, we wouldn't be frequenting this website), get rid of the things you should not eat and stock your home with things that are better. Now when I am having a craving I make a smoothie (Yoplait triple berry is really good), or have a piece of fruit and that takes care of it. I don't have to feel bad for overeating my calories and I still get the satisfaction I wanted.

    Good luck to you with this. I have tried (and failed) many times to make healthy changes in my life. It feels different this time and I'm seeing results, which helps me say no to the things I should not be eating.
  • Why do you even have those foods like chips and cookies in the house. Cravings are just conditioned responses, so if the trigger isn't there, you can't eat it.
    I have two kids. I'm not going to deprive them of these foods. The cookies were pretty healthy (if you eat the serving size, not the entire batch). The chips were left over from my kids lunch. we dont have any other junk food in the house.
  • jellerose
    jellerose Posts: 74 Member
    When I ate a lot of grains I spent years feeling like I had no willpower. I found a way of eating ("primal") that works for me personally to help amazingly with satisfying actual hunger. I don't have the hunger cravings very often now. But, I spent so much time in the physical process of snacking in the past that I sometimes miss that. So, I've found for me it helps so much to have sunflower seeds in the shell on hand. Kind of hard to overeat those but it satisfies the snacking sensation cravings, can occupy me for awhile.
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    Why do you even have those foods like chips and cookies in the house. Cravings are just conditioned responses, so if the trigger isn't there, you can't eat it.
    I have two kids. I'm not going to deprive them of these foods. The cookies were pretty healthy (if you eat the serving size, not the entire batch). The chips were left over from my kids lunch. we dont have any other junk food in the house.

    Its hard when you have kids to get rid of that stuff, but they don't really need it either. Instead of chips in their lunch, try granola, fresh fruit, string cheese, yogurt, etc. They eat healthier foods and you don't have the temptation in your house. Its win-win.
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    You're really not depriving your babies by not giving them junk. Can you start giving them better substitutions, like fruit, granola and yogurt, peanut butter spread on bananas, popcorn, etc? You would be doing them a favor so they don't learn to crave those horrible foods like you do now.

    Also, men burn more due to greater muscle mass, usually. Try doing some weight training to increase your base metabolic rate. You'll burn cals when you're doing nothing! :)

    Good luck! I know where you're coming from, I spend some time there myself!
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    Keep the faith hun!! Don't look to other people as they will always be different to you! So your other half finds it easier! There are a great many other people out there who find it harder!! You will get there and will power is one of those things you learn over time! It will come!!

    BTW I have streach marks on my arm pits!! Who the hell gets those!! Lol!!

  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    85% cocoa chocolate is my friend :wink:

    I can't even eat the recommended portion once the chocolate is that strong, so I won't accidentally finish the bar as I would with milk chocolate. Also, I found it hard to binge once I was logging every mouthful. Instead I would measure out my 50ml of ice-cream or whatever.

    I also think knowing what your maintenance calories are is a good idea. Often, when I used to think I'd overeaten, I'd find out I was still under my maintenance calories, so still likely to be losing. I'm not saying to do it every day, but I believe a little wiggle room is a good idea sometimes.
  • marzahl68
    marzahl68 Posts: 201
    Generally, men get a larger calorie allowance then women. Unless you are the same height and same sex as your boyfriend, your calorie allowance should be less. My husband's is like 2400. If I ate that many calories, I'd gain weight in no time.
    Don't compare yourself to your boyfriend.
    I have removed all junk foods in my house. Yes, I'm depriving my family of chips and cookies and I don't care! They don't need them, it's junk food and it's not good for them. Instead they get yogurt and fresh fruit - period.

    Do something for yourself that makes you feel good other than eating something. Give yourself a pedicure, put a beautimask in your face, deep condition your hair, etc. anything that makes you feel good and pampered. Once you put yourself in a better mood, you might be more likely to stick to your healthier eating habits. Focus on the weight you've lost, not the weight you haven't lost.
  • marzahl68
    marzahl68 Posts: 201
    And I forgot: I have major stretch marks on my belly, my boobs, the back side of my upper arms, my upper tighs. That's who I am, a 43 year old with stretch marks. Since I'm not competing in a beauty pageant and am not a celebrity either - I don't have to worry about the stretch marks. At some point in time, my face is also going to big ol' wrinkles, my eye sight is already declining. There's nothing I can do about any of this, so I'm not going to waste time worrying about it.
  • oneLessS
    oneLessS Posts: 44 Member
    And I forgot: I have major stretch marks on my belly, my boobs, the back side of my upper arms, my upper tighs. That's who I am, a 43 year old with stretch marks. Since I'm not competing in a beauty pageant and am not a celebrity either - I don't have to worry about the stretch marks. At some point in time, my face is also going to big ol' wrinkles, my eye sight is already declining. There's nothing I can do about any of this, so I'm not going to waste time worrying about it.
