Gah, it's 23:10, I haven't eaten nearly enough and I want to

I mean, I'm REALLY coming up short for today. 898 calories short (504 of those are exercise cals). Lord alone knows how, I'm not hungry, I've eaten 18 things over 3 meals and had two snacks, I'm over on my protein and Vit C.

What I'm gonna do, since it's just a one-off is have a nibble and go to bed. I mean, if I went over my calories one day the advice would certainly be not to let one day bother me but not to make a habit of it, so I'm guessing it applies here too. Or I might consider it some absent minded unplanned zig-zagging.

But MFP has instilled in me a healthy measure of worry, so I just need someone to tell me that the situation is OK, that my reasoning is sound.


  • ianwalker1969
    Won't hurt you at all as a one off :)
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    I agree, one day will not make a difference.
  • Le_Joy
    Le_Joy Posts: 593 Member
    Go with the zig-zagging idea! That is my favorite thing to say when I am a bit under.
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I don't think in any case we should be eating when we are truly not hungry. That is a habit a lot of us are trying to still get out of, right?I am saying it is OK. If you are really worried about it, have a glass of milk for a little boost in calories and protein. That is what I usually do.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    One off is OK, but I find if I dont eat enough, I get bad munchies the next day!!
    Plan to eat more at each meal / snack during the day so that you do not get into these situations at night....
  • sadlazarus
    You are wonderful people and I thank you all.
    I knew I was just being silly there but still needed approval in a manner of speaking. Curse my jelly brainedness.
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    I would agree with let it go for this time. If it becomes a habit, then worry. But you're in the process of changing your life, things like that only help to show you what you need to do. It is the same as going over. You did it. You recognize it. You are trying to fix it (or esle you wouldn't have posted). And you will focus on not doing it again.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    If you truly want to eat something to fill in some(not all) of those calories, make sure its something like a salad or some kind of fiber. I've been told to eat half of your burned calories but like the others said, one days not going to hurt. And ever eat when you're not hungry.I wouldn't be the size of 2 adult men if I had followed that advice.