Fast Food



  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Honestly I used to be. I would go on french fry late night snack runs but now I don't really like it that much! I will eat it still but my like for it is a lot different than it used to be :)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I think it depends on where you draw the line for fast food. I'll eat a double-meat burrito bowl at Chipotle somewhat regularly, but even though you can call Chipotle fast food, it's so damn easy to fit one of these into my daily intake, and I do beleive they use quality ingredients (at least, identifiable ones LOL), so in my head I really don't consider this fast food.

    I don't crave McDonalds or other similar places because if I'm going to eat something really calorie-dense, I'm going to go out of the way to make sure it's REALLY good. Five-Guys for example, or a pizza.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    I work in fast food, so its available 24/7 since I'm on call when I'm not at the store. And I eat it, or at least a variation of it 4 to 6 days a week. A lot of people hate on it, but you can control your portion size and calories if you plan ahead. Check the restaurants website for nutritional info before you get hungry, and decide what you're going to allow yourself to eat. Don't eat the fries, don't eat the sides, don't let yourself believe that a combo's a better deal. If it makes you pay for something you don't want, its not a better deal.

    I recently found out I'm hypoglycemic and that the fat content in the food I was eating was what was making me feel so awful. So now I can only eat 2 dishes at work: 1 sandwich and 1 salad. And I don't mean at a time, I mean on the whole menu. That said, there's nothing like knowing that a particular food makes you feel like crap to make you quit craving it. My advice would be to take a few weeks off of fast food, play around with the percentages of your micro-nutrients and see what your intake is on days when you feel the best. Keep that proportion, and after a few weeks of feeling great and learning how to eat to feel your best, if you can check the website and find something that fits your macros and won't make you feel terrible, you can allow yourself that.
  • duffydog1
    duffydog1 Posts: 76 Member
    Try googling articles on how the particular fast food you like is made. If it includes burgers or chicken you will probably not find it so yummy after you have seen what goes into a burger or a nugget - beleive me, it isn't pretty!

    Good luck!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    leave the wallet/purse at home. no $$ for fast food = no fast food! it helped me get over that hump.