P90X newbie. :)

Hi there

I'm Campbell from Glasgow in Scotland and I just turned 20 in September. I started messing about with p90x in June and started a proper p90x diet in august :). Didn't do many workouts, 1-2 a week but lost a little weight. Picked up my fitness pal in a little while ago but started using it seriously after my holiday to Spain in September.

Started p90x properly on the 20/9/2011 and have been following a strict 50/30/20 protein, carbs and fat ratio for 3 weeks now with 1800 calories. Lost about 21lbs so far due to this lovely wee app and hope to lose a lot more in the coming months :D.

Thought I'd come over here as the last forum I was on is pretty dead and there seems like a good friendly community on here :).

30 lbs go go people. I'm nearly halfway there. LETS DO THIS.

And remember, every missed workout is a missed opportunity to be a better person!


  • saraann752003
    WELCOME!!!! and the p90x kicks my butt everytime i start it
  • CampbellHendry
    CampbellHendry Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks buddy!

    P90x is kicking my butt too but I'm sticking with it!

    Just hoping for a good community and some support!
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Welcome! I'm p90x/Insanity hybriding. I really need my crack (Insanity) so I cant just do p90x.

    You got this!!!
  • balibee146
    balibee146 Posts: 127 Member
    Hiya and well done.

    i'm in Scotland too - Hamilton so not so far away. Not done P90X but might next year - I'm going to do Insanity first.

    Good luck with your journey and send me a friend request if you don't mind older women!!

  • CampbellHendry
    CampbellHendry Posts: 84 Member
    Hahaha friend request coming Ali!

    And to the previous poster, do you do an insanity AND p90x workout per day?! Or interchange them?! Just looking for something to do after Christmas when I'm finished my first round :D.

    Hit my ratios perfect today and about to do legs and back after a short 7 hour shift! Woo!