
I can give up most anything...but coffee is NOT one of them. I just refuse. I love it and I need it to live! However I was reading an article about artificial sweeteners and the term "clean eating" kept coming up....suggested I have raw sugar instead of my usual splenda.
can someone dumb down "clean eating" for me? LOL


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Clean is a very subjective term that has no real definition, which is why it's really not a useful word to use to define food types. For example, what I may define as clean might not be seen as clean by someone on the paleo diet.

    But, to cut to the chase, when people say clean they usually mean minimally processed. Something not found in a cardboard box that you add water to and stir, for example.

    As to your coffee question, artificial sweeteners usually have low or zero calories. Some people will tell you to avoid them for other health reasons but from a body composition standpoint, consuming the one with fewer calories (artificial sweetener) will likely be the better choice for fat-loss.

    EDIT: And there's no reason to give up coffee. Enjoy it.
  • tonid76
    tonid76 Posts: 51
    I've gotten so used to the taste of splenda I can't drink it any other way...and thank you for explaining clean eating. I thought thats what it was but wanted to make sure I was understanding it correctly.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I don't like the calories in raw sugar and don't want the effects of sugar on my pancreas so I use stevia. It's natural (NOT an "artificial" sweetener), 0-calories per serving and no sugar! (It's erithrytol.)

    And hailzzz to the no, I will not give up coffee. Espresso, turkish, brewed, slow-drip, cowboy-coffee, whatever, I will take it ALL. And do. :drinker:
  • lys617
    lys617 Posts: 51 Member
    I consider clean eating as a whole foods approach. Single ingredients, no processed foods, nothing that I can't pronounce (i.e. chemical, additives, etc.). Of course that is just my approach to clean eating.... I agree with Sidesteal, everyone has a different approach. I have a little coffee everyday with heavy whipping cream, but I am following the Paleo diet. Do what feels best for you and your body, that's what I go by.
  • How about slowly reducing the sweetener until you use none at all? I was a Starbucks junkie and loved all their flavored drinks but over time switched to coffee with just a little cream, no sweetener at all.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    I've gotten so used to the taste of splenda I can't drink it any other way...and thank you for explaining clean eating. I thought thats what it was but wanted to make sure I was understanding it correctly.

    a little bit of honey is the best for you/
  • I've tried to give up coffee so many times but I just can't do it! I love my coffee so much!

    I also use a natural sweetener called Xylitol which is also low calorie and works great in hot drinks.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've tried to give up coffee so many times but I just can't do it! I love my coffee so much!

    I also use a natural sweetener called Xylitol which is also low calorie and works great in hot drinks.

    I really like 0-calorie gums and breath mints with xylitol! Just be careful where you store it, as it's toxic and potentially fatal to dogs.
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    I definitely still have coffee... sometimes I have it with artificial sweetener, sometimes with no sweetener, sometimes with sugar or honey. I just always count the calories :)
  • I use raw sugar in mine, I love the caramelly flavour it gives. Plus a tablespoon of raw sugar (around 80 calories) is the perfect way to stop a sugar craving turning into a binge for me. Put it in a little shot glass or bowl, and eat it slowly with your finger. Lasts me ten minutes, by which point I've had my sugar fix and the craving for chocolate/icecream/cake has gone.
  • I can't explain "Clean Eating" to you, but I can sympathize about the coffee. I will not give it up!!! I drink mine black so sweetener is not an issue for me, but I do think that sugar is probably healthier for you than anything artificial. After all, you aren't putting a cup of sugar in your coffee: are you?