Ugh!! (pregnancy question)



  • FloridaGranny
    FloridaGranny Posts: 154 Member
    OMG - I remember all the different smells that would set me off! I worked at a nursing home and everytime the cook would make dinner, I would have to run to the bathroom.... It's funny now, but it wasn't then! I love that you are still exercising - just remember to take it easy.

    Good luck and Keep it up. You'll feel better soon.. I promise!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    OMG - I remember all the different smells that would set me off! I worked at a nursing home and everytime the cook would make dinner, I would have to run to the bathroom.... It's funny now, but it wasn't then! I love that you are still exercising - just remember to take it easy.

    Good luck and Keep it up. You'll feel better soon.. I promise!

    oh my gosh, your grandchildren(? ) are gorgeous!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    OMG - I remember all the different smells that would set me off! I worked at a nursing home and everytime the cook would make dinner, I would have to run to the bathroom.... It's funny now, but it wasn't then! I love that you are still exercising - just remember to take it easy.

    Good luck and Keep it up. You'll feel better soon.. I promise!

    I lived up wind of a KFC with the 1st kiddo....STILL cant eat that stuff!
  • Zeii
    Zeii Posts: 89 Member
    I wouldn't sweat it too much. The morning sickness will pass. Just eat healthy, 5 small meals a day because you're going to need them if you keep bringing them up! :)
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Congratulations Tam! I hope the morning sickness passes quickly. How exciting for you! You've reached your goal, you're going to have a baby:flowerforyou:
    I am very happy for you!
  • DonzGirl
    hi, honey!
    I am a grandmother now but I can still remember when I could say 'been there; done that'...Dr. told me not to worry because the baby will get what it needs first ---you will be the one left out! (welcome to motherhood! haha) but, if you are making it later in the day and not really weak or losing strength---dont worry about your little one as s/he will get the nutrients and vitamins needed to thrive before your body does.
  • ChristyMomx3
    Oh I can so understand what you are going through! I was sick for all my pregnancies the first 4 months. I always had that nagging nausea feeling that just would not lift. For the first 12 weeks I stayed the same or lost weight every prenatal visit and I WAS ONLY 105LBS TO START WITH. I was so afraid I was harming the baby. My OB would always reassure me that the baby would take what they needed and to just do my best munching when I had a window of feeling good. Good luck Tam, take one day at a day and munch munch munch when your stomach allows.

    Yep, That's what my doctor said. I lost 17lbs with my last child. My doc was not concerend. She said to make sure I was eating when I could and taking my vitamins. The baby would get what nutrients it needed froom me.
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    tam I didn't even read your post. I just love your new pic
    your really um ................ filling out:love:
  • debuckl
    debuckl Posts: 360 Member
    Just a thought....My prenatal vitamins made me really sick so my doctor switched me to chewables. For some reason they don't make me sick at all!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Oh Tam, I feel for you....
    (1) Don't worry to much about not eating perfectly - lots of women eat very little, or throw everything up, and have healthy babies.

    (2) I was on diclectin (sp?) with my daughter because I was sick all day and my doc sent me to a Severe nausea clinic, where they recommended eating nuts, nut butters, and proteins first thing in the morning to help nausea - and it did help tremendously. Good luck.
    Btw.... I'm thinking you've got a little lady in there - I had almost no morning sickness with my son, but with my daughter, I wanted to throw up day and night....
  • ColtsFan1912
    ColtsFan1912 Posts: 146 Member
    I didn't eat a lot the first month or two of my pregnancy due to morning sickness. . .lot of saltines hehe. . .& my son was born perfectly healhty. I found I could eat later in the evening & I was fine. breakfast was just off for me then. I felt a lot better during my 2nd & then came the cravings. . .so i made up for how little i ate during the 1st trim :laugh:
  • gnicolecan
    gnicolecan Posts: 293 Member
    Wahppppshhht! I just slapped myself bc I didn't know you are preggers!

    CONGRATS!! I'm so happy for you and a teensy bit jealous.

    Now, to answer your question- eat as nutritiously as you can, and do the best you can. I believe God created us to do a great job (obviously!) at pregnancy andd childbirth. Don't overthink it and dont' give yourself a hard time. (Unless you start craving dirt or clay!)

  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Wahppppshhht! I just slapped myself bc I didn't know you are preggers!

    CONGRATS!! I'm so happy for you and a teensy bit jealous.

    Now, to answer your question- eat as nutritiously as you can, and do the best you can. I believe God created us to do a great job (obviously!) at pregnancy andd childbirth. Don't overthink it and dont' give yourself a hard time. (Unless you start craving dirt or clay!)


    Don't worry about it! I posted something on the success boards a few days ago. I am sure a few people missed it!! :bigsmile:

    Thank you for the congrats!!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Thanks again guys! I really appreciate you taking the time to help me with this! I think I am over thinking it and need to just take a deep breathe and relax and eat as healthy as I can WHEN I can. It's only for a couple of hours from about 9:30-12:00 or so. Very weird! So, I will just eat later in the day to make up for the morning I guess!

    But not TOO late. I don't want heartburn!!:laugh:
  • WillPillageYourVillageForFood
    I had morning/afternoon/evening sickness with my 3rd one. I couldn't stand to smell food, eat, or drink hardly anything, but just ate and drank when I was not feeling quite as terrible. She was born 1 month early and weighed 8lbs 2oz, so I think that our bodies are equipped to handle just about anything. My daughter was sick during her 1st trimester and lost about 10 pounds during that time (and she was only 100 pounds), but once she hit the 2nd trimester she was eating everything in sight. :laugh:
  • amycakes812
    Tam, first if all, congratulations! That is so exciting!!
    Second, as previously stated, ginger works wonders for morning sickness. Try keeping candied ginger on hand to suck on as soon as you feel naseous. Motherhood Maternity carries lollipops that are supposed to help also. Can't remember what they are called, but they usually have them by the register. Also, peppermint tea is good to soothe the tummy. (You can steep it with a piece of candied ginger for a double dose of help). Hang in there, it will pass soon. I will keep my fingers crossed that the heartburn plague passes you by!
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Hi Tami
    I sympathise with you huni, that nausea feeling is not nice at all.
    With my first pregnancy I had morning sickness from 8pm every night, then with my second, nothing - right up until 8 months pregnant, and then it hit - BIG time, every minute of the day!

    I found in both my pregnancies that a dry biscuit before I got out of bed in the morning helped my nausea.
    Jackie :flowerforyou: