Sweaty person at the gym...

Say you walk into the gym or into a section of the gym and you see someone with sweat dripping from every pore.. do you consider that person to be working out hard? or just a sweaty mess?

The reason i ask, tonight i was at the gym and i noticed that my shirt was heavily saturated with sweat and was thinking to myself, "If it wasnt 1am and there were actually people here, what would they think about the way i look right now?"

Any thoughts?


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Honestly I reacon they are working out hard!
    Sweat is sexy!
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    That person is working out hard! Seeing people as sweaty messes at the gym should be normal and encouraged haha :)
  • brandenocs
    brandenocs Posts: 146 Member
    It means you're doing work. My gray shirts usually end up almost black after a heavy session.
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    I would admire you for being so dedicated and working hard.
  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    i'm always a sweaty mess when i workout at my gym..the more sweat that pours off the better!
  • I sweat a lot too, especially when I exercise, so I wouldn't really think too much about it in a gym-- that's where you're supposed to be sweating. :D
  • I would look at someone that is drenched in sweat as if they are working out hard. However I would look for a towel in hopes that the equipment was being wiped down. It's great that you are working out and don't let what other's think stop you.
  • It comes to a point where you have to think, 'F other people and what they think!' You are working hard and you will sweat buckets and that is a GOOD thing.

    I, personally, am a very sweaty individual. I don't think anyone but my husband will think I'm sexy at that point lol Just go to the gym, do your thing (and DO IT to the best of your ability) and go about your day.

    But just so you know, if I was in the same gym, I'd be sooo awed by your WANT to get through your workout. Sweat = effort = determination! I would want to give you a fist bump.
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    If I saw a pristine shirt it could be because:

    That person has only just arrived and not started their workout
    That person is what we in our gym call 'a lycra lovey' ;), just there for the attention (no offence intended to anyone!)

    If I saw a really sweaty shirt:

    That person has done good work!!!!

    If you're working hard you're going to sweat, so don't you worry about it, just carry on what you're doing, which is a fantastic job!
  • impudentputz
    impudentputz Posts: 479 Member
    Well thank you guys, i was just curious, one of the perks of being up and about when others are sleeping is that i dont ever have to deal with a crowded gym, however soon my schedule will change and i would rather not be looked at as the sweaty mess, but as many have said, who cares, its a gym, thats what you are supposed to do. I guess i just pay attention too much to what others think. Thanks again!
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    I bring two shirts with me when I go to the gym, when I do my treadmill run first I can wring my shirt out, so I wait about 5 minutes and change. Even if no one is there I feel alot better lifting weights with a dry shirt/ or semi-dri.

    If I go to a crowded gym or I am not doing 'legs' I do my cardio after, then I leave sweaty, who cares? I would feel funny being totally soaked with sweat during a peak time, leaving a 'film ' on every machine I used....
  • SLambertAlaska
    SLambertAlaska Posts: 197 Member
    You are SUPPOSED to be sweating! But ChrisStoney has a good idea to bring a second shirt. Even if it's just to drive home, I don't want that sweat all over my car seat. (I have ocassionally been desperate enough to get the "dog towel" from the back of the car to create a barrier between my sweat and my car seat.)
    My (mental) response to someone who thinks I'm too sweaty is: Hey, at least I'm doing something about my weight and fitness. Not just sitting on the couch!