I do really well for a week or two then fall off the wagon :



  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    I just want to agree with everyone who said it's important not to overdo the diet. I'm 65, and I've lost 40+ pounds on Weight Watchers, and then gained it back, three times. Now instead of trying to lose 3 pounds a week, I'm losing 1/2 pounds a week and focusing on a permanent diet that I can stick to for the rest of my life. But also, I need to say that society does not support us. The old McDonald's ad about how "you deserve a break today" voices a philosophy that has put millions of us at risk. At 65 I'm prediabetic with a slow thyroid, and if I give into those cravings, I'm facing a lot of needles and meds, maybe the loss of my leg functions, and a miserable death. Now I just think of that when the little demon in my head tells me I deserve to take a break and have my favorite pasta. And when friends and family say, "Oh come on, you have to have a little (of cake), I tell them I'm diabetic. Technically I'm not quite yet fully diabetic, but I plan to use that line for the rest of my life.

    Track your protein and make sure you also get enough iron and B vitamins. Write down your food cravings and find things you can eat to substitute. Also, see if there are things you can do to help you get past the cravings. It sounds nuts, but for me a hot shower helps. Naps and walks help too.Good luck to you!
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    Basically what everyone else said. I eat something I like everyday but I make sure to stay within my MFP guidelines. I don't feel like I am dieting, just making a change in my eating habits and I have still lost weight. I do enter my food before I eat it to stay on track. I know that every Friday night we are going out to eat so I enter my dinner early in the day including that piece of chocolate pie I know I am going to get. It helps me cut down in other areas to make up for the night out and still stay on track. Good Luck
  • wsweeny
    one addition of my favorite quote... Don't give up what you want the most for what you want right now.
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Thank you for that quote wsweeny! I can use that.
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Quick additional comment - Even Bob Harper says if he wants a cupcake, he has a cupcake...ONE, not FIVE.

    In my case, the problem with that is that if I have that first cupcake my body will ask for the second one, and the third one...and so on....self control is the key word....
  • Lelafin
    Lelafin Posts: 29 Member
    Quick additional comment - Even Bob Harper says if he wants a cupcake, he has a cupcake...ONE, not FIVE.

    In my case, the problem with that is that if I have that first cupcake my body will ask for the second one, and the third one...and so on....self control is the key word....

    I'm the same way. I can't just have one - it's like one taste of sugar or "bad food" is addictive to me. I've been doing the same as the OP... I'll do amazing for 10 days to 2 weeks, and then I'll think "oh I can have one small treat"... but then that will turn into a 2-3 day massive all-out binge. There's got to be another solution besides allowing small treats because sometimes if you're a food addict of sorts, that small treat is intolerable to your body! Or maybe it's all in my head. I don't know. I'm sure a big percentage of it is the mindset of "bad vs good foods" as well...