Does anyone else make a short term goal?



  • sweebeesmom
    my mini goals have all been 5 lb increments. it makes it easier to have smaller goal in the big picture for me! :) it all adds up!
  • njordanrn
    njordanrn Posts: 4 Member
    When I weighed under 200 for the first time in YEARS I actually thought my scale was broke. I took it outside and threw it in the garbage!
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I have loads of mini goals! I measure my weight in pounds, stones and kg so it gives me more opportunities to celebrate :laugh: A few examples:

    Reach 2 and a half stone lost
    Reach 2/3 of the way to my goal
    Reach a healthy BMI
    Get under 10 stone / into the 130s
    Reach my previous lowest weight

    I have a huge list of these that I worked out at the start off my weight loss. I get to tick one off at least every few pounds which is great motivation!
  • AH2013
    AH2013 Posts: 385 Member
    Definitely! I have little monthly goals which I marked on my calendar when I started this end of July - the weight I want to have reached each month. I reached the end of October's goal this morning.

    I reached 201lbs today (odd goal I know, but I use stones and today was one stone off). Next goal is for next weigh day to be under 200lbs....even if it's by a 1/4lb!! It's good to have treats at the end of each goal, good motivation!! Even if it's a manicure, or a new top or jeans, that's what mine have been!
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    I do!!!!! My first was to lose 35 lbs by my birthday, accomplished ahead of schedule :)
    My next is to lose 25 lbs by New Years eve
    My last is going to be determined by my new years eve goal, so it's undetermined.
  • jimmacdonald
    jimmacdonald Posts: 93 Member
    I set a goal of one pant size down.

    Started at 42 set goal to 40 then 38 then 36. I am now in size 34 pants and just bought a size 32 they button but a little tight maybe in a month or two.

    Oyea I also set a goal to be under 200 Lbs, I did hit 199.8 lbs this week.

    Another goal biking started out go 5 miles, now next week goal is to ride in a century and go 100 miles in a day.
    I started in may biking, so wonderful to not be exhausted from a 5 mile bike ride. I was able to do a 50 miler sunday in less than 4 hours.

    Mini Goals work, but always have that long term goal of where you want to be.

    Mine in around 190 ot 195.

    Its a life change not a diet.

  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I have mini goals. I think it helps me stay on track! Waiting to get to the 20lb mark so I can get an HRM
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