Depression and Low Carbs Diets



  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Thank you Kaveman. You've given me good advice in a couple of threads here, and you are right. No way my MD is going to put me on antidepessants because I get the blues really bad once every week or ten days, especially since it completely disappears the next day. And I haven't gone off the program since I joined MFP. Just would like to find a way to make days lie yesterday turn into better days.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    No one is saying to eat an excessive amount of carbohydrates. I, myself, who does not have diabetes, still watch my carbs from whole grains. Like I said before, eating WELL BALANCED meals is the healthy way to go. I would never tell anyone NOT to eat whole grains at all. Fruits and Vegetables as well are important to ANYONE.

    The number of people with diabetes goes up because people DON'T eat well balanced diets. They eat junk. They drink soda. Look at the number of people in our country that are overweight. It's because they eat JUNK. People aren't taking care of their health the way they need to. Saying that it's because they put out information that you should eat healthy carbs is ridiculous.

    nope, don't agree. I've been religiously raw foods and primal diet since 2004, and was gaining weight. I havent touched processed foods or sodas or gluten since 2004. I'm the person you say can't get diabeties. I was diagnosed Prediabetic hypoglycemic in June 2011, I was gaining weight with a 1k a day calorie diet of nothing but veggies, fruits, gluten free nuts, and fish and eggs. I was 124 lbs and the doc wanted me to EAT MORE CARBS to fix my problem? wtf? Actually prescribed potatoes and cereals and pastas to my diet and I was becoming sicker and more diabetic. I was also Anemic to the point of hospitalizaiton and megadoses of liquid supplementation by August kept me going.

    Well, what do you know, I told the doc. to go to hell, started eating fat and low carb in Sept. when I started researching how the body NEEDS fat, and DOES NOT NEED carbs. You should research it yourself!

    I now have a new doctor, and new tests, and I'm better, feeling better - and for the first time in over 5 years I can eat more than 1k calories a day of chicken, sweet potatoes, and cilantro with out gaining weight. And no hypoglycemia. AND I now weigh 113. That's from 124 in June of this year by eating MORE!

    Hmm. in only 4 months, this drastic a change going from a high carb to a primal to a paleo diet? Paleo all the way! I'm sold. So is my Indian gastroenterologist here in town.
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Busywaterbending, that sure got my attention. I'm going to add a little more good fat to my diet and see if that helps the blue days go away.