Wii Fit

Ya know, I wasn't super interested in a Wii until I played Wii Sports at a friends house. My arms hurt for 3 days after the boxing game (I was mad at my boyfriend and played him in boxing... I kicked his butt for over an hour lol) So... I became determined to find one.

I FINALLY found one today and I was also lucky enough to snatch up the last Wii Fit that Target had in stock. I haven't hooked it up yet and am about to do so...

Does anyone that has a Wii Fit have any helpful suggestions/tips/hints/etc so that I can make the most out of my new fun game? Any other fun game suggestions?


  • flcaoh
    flcaoh Posts: 444
    Ya know, I wasn't super interested in a Wii until I played Wii Sports at a friends house. My arms hurt for 3 days after the boxing game (I was mad at my boyfriend and played him in boxing... I kicked his butt for over an hour lol) So... I became determined to find one.

    I FINALLY found one today and I was also lucky enough to snatch up the last Wii Fit that Target had in stock. I haven't hooked it up yet and am about to do so...

    Does anyone that has a Wii Fit have any helpful suggestions/tips/hints/etc so that I can make the most out of my new fun game? Any other fun game suggestions?
  • lucky25416
    lucky25416 Posts: 7 Member
    I recently got a Wii Fit as well and I'm honestly not too happy with it. They have some good cardio work outs on the game that comes with it but they are like mini ones so you can't work out for that long. You have to keep playing in order to unlock more games on there and i haven't gotten that far yet so maybe it gets a little better. If you are looking for strength training then they have a lot of yoga and skiing activities geared towards that. Try the hula hoop, lots of fun!

    I heard that the game " my fitness coach" is really good but it doesn't use the wii fit balance board.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    I do not have a Wii Fit, however, my mother and sister both have one. My mother started four days ago, and said that her back hurts, but she does a lot of fun activities with it. My sister started using it after my wedding in July 08 and she has lost 50 pounds!! That was the last that i heard, but I am sure that she has lost more. I will ask them what they enjoy and get back to you on that one.

    couldnt believe that my mom got a Wii before me tho.:happy:
  • greysweatshirt
    I have used mine everyday since Christmas and I've been sore a few times! A lot of the yoga and strength training will make you sore at first. The games are fun, but I don't think they'll help with weight loss. The jogging, step and hula hoop can be good cardio work outs too! Have fun!!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    The Wii fit is a good addition to other exercises and can be a lot of fun. We are trying to encourage our teen to get more active and hope this will help her.

    My husband likes the skiing.....mind you he is very competitive, so any of the sports that can show improvement ( or he can beat someone else) makes him happy!
  • LightenUp_Caro
    LightenUp_Caro Posts: 572 Member
    i LOVE my WiiFit!

    It is geared more toward beginning-moderate exercise, but i enjoy it on days when I don't hit the gym hard. My dad does it and has fallen in love with it. I think its great...

    Definitely the hula hoop is the best workout on there. It wears me out haha. ENJOY IT!
  • kalla
    kalla Posts: 11
    I've been eyeing Wii Fit recently, but I won't get it unless I'll find a second job alongside my current one. Purchases like these don't really work with attempts at saving money :P

    I DO however play Dance Dance Revolution on PS2 and let me tell you, it really works your legs! The first days after I started playing my legs hurt so bad I nearly winced every time I got out of a chair, but with regular practising it really tones your muscles and gives you loads of endurance.

    The best part, though, is how fun it is! I mean it's dancing! What's not to love?

    I can now jog much longer at a time and my calves are also much more defined since starting to play this. I simply love it and recommend it to everyone who has a PS2 and no Wii.

    Only downside is that it doesn't really work your upper body, but that is easily remedied by including some light dumbbells or something in the game. (There is also the option of including an eyetoy to the game and that enables hand movement inclusion as well.)
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member

    I just have to clear the air though... sorry its been bugging me... Wii Fit is not the sport package that comes with Wii... though it has some games which are meant to increase balance not for aerobic or strength training or meant to get your heart going. It does take time a little time to open the extra reps but that is for people's safety and meant to give you something to work towards... it doesn't take long to open them. How Wii Fit works for you depends on you. If you truly do take the time, do the movement correctly and put the effort into it it works.

    I warm up with 20 minutes of Yoga trying to do the poses as best and extreme as I can (that means some of the Yoga moves get paired up with Strength Training moves and I do those mini workouts). Then I do (now that I've spent the time and unlocked it) 10 minutes of Super Hoola Hoop. I end my workout with 30 minutes of the free run (another you have to open with time spent). You can always add more time and more activities on to your routine... I sometimes do Superhoola hoop twice or run another 10 or 2o mintues... I really get into the lunges when I do the strength training... It is only light or moderate if you make it that way.

    If you are already in great shape use Wii (in the beginning before you've unlocked much) to warm up then switch to a DVD. But once you've unlocked everything it can be an intense workout all on its own.
    Then if you do get to a point where you are so in shape or bored... now that you have the balance board you can get Jillian Michael's Fitness Ultimatum. There is also My Fitness Coach and another coming out soon...

  • flcaoh
    flcaoh Posts: 444

    I just have to clear the air though... sorry its been bugging me... Wii Fit is not the sport package that comes with Wii... though it has some games which are meant to increase balance not for aerobic or strength training or meant to get your heart going. It does take time a little time to open the extra reps but that is for people's safety and meant to give you something to work towards... it doesn't take long to open them. How Wii Fit works for you depends on you. If you truly do take the time, do the movement correctly and put the effort into it it works.

    I warm up with 20 minutes of Yoga trying to do the poses as best and extreme as I can (that means some of the Yoga moves get paired up with Strength Training moves and I do those mini workouts). Then I do (now that I've spent the time and unlocked it) 10 minutes of Super Hoola Hoop. I end my workout with 30 minutes of the free run (another you have to open with time spent). You can always add more time and more activities on to your routine... I sometimes do Superhoola hoop twice or run another 10 or 2o mintues... I really get into the lunges when I do the strength training... It is only light or moderate if you make it that way.

    If you are already in great shape use Wii (in the beginning before you've unlocked much) to warm up then switch to a DVD. But once you've unlocked everything it can be an intense workout all on its own.
    Then if you do get to a point where you are so in shape or bored... now that you have the balance board you can get Jillian Michael's Fitness Ultimatum. There is also My Fitness Coach and another coming out soon...


    Oh boy! I can't wait to unlock all the super fun games. I have already unlocked a few. And thanks for the recommendation on the other games. I'll have to keep my eye open for those!!
  • flcaoh
    flcaoh Posts: 444
    Yeeeouch! I spent most of yesterday exploring my new Wii Fit game and I am SORE today. I unlocked several new games already! Yay. It's very addicting and I can feel my body telling me to chill LOL. Thanks for all the suggestions everyone!
  • lisa1
    lisa1 Posts: 12 Member
    a Wii Fit Question do you have to have the original wii? How does it work?


  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    I have to say, I love my Wii Fit, too! I asked for a Wii for Christmas, just so I could get the fit. It's perfect for me. I'm just not the go to a gym type. I've been using it every day for two weeks now, and I can see a difference in my strength and stamina. I enjoy the game aspect of it, and trying to beat my son at some of them.

    I start out with about 15-20 minutes of the yoga, next I go to the strength exercises and then aerobics. Sometimes I do a few of the balance games, but I suck at most of those! I usually end with the deep breathing exercise in yoga, to cool down.

    I really think my Wii is helping with my weight loss. It helps me see my goal and gives me something to look forward to. If I feel like I didn't do that great with food choices on a particular day, then I add an extra few minutes of aerobics to help even things out!

    a Wii Fit Question do you have to have the original wii? How does it work?



    Lisa, Wii Fit is a "game" for the Wii gaming system, so yes, you have to have a Wii console to play it. When you buy the game, it comes with a balance board that you place on the floor and you use it with most of the exercises/activities in the game. It also weighs you and estimates your BMI. It keeps track of your weight/BMI and the exercises you do. As you go through the games, you unlock more games or repetitions of exercises. As I said above, I love mine!!